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  • 13 Do's and Don'ts After Job Interview

13 Do's and Don'ts After Job Interview

You have put your foot in the door by delivering a great interview. Now the next step isn't to sit back and relax. Instead, you need to know all about Do's and Don'ts After a job interview. There are some steps that you would follow after an interview. At the same time, there are some things you will avoid at any cost during a job interview. 

Following those do's and don't after interviews is a must to get desirable results from the interview and increase your chances of getting a job.

Things to Do After a Job Interview

Here are some things you will do following a job interview.

1-Sending a Thank You Note

You might have impressed your recruiter during a job interview. The next thing to brighten your image in a hiring manager's eye is to send a thank-you note. It's your way of showing some courtesy.

thank you note must send after a job interview

In this thank you note, you will thank the recruiter for giving you a chance. Thank him for the opportunity and time he gave you. 

You can send a thank-you note in an email or via mail. A hand-written thank-you note would make a better impression, though. Keep it short and to-the-point. You won't have to write the full story. 

It's suggested to send this note quickly within 24-48 hours of your job interview. You can write:

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to interview at your company. I am excited to join a role where I can make the most of my skills—looking forward to your response.

2-Set Reminders

After a job interview, the best thing to do is set a calendar where you will circle some dates when you will follow up on a particular interview. If you are up to speed on your job search process, you might have many interviews. Keep up with follow up email after interviews might become a challenge. Therefore, you should set some reminders to be on-time.

3-Follow-up email

You will send a follow-up email after a job interview. In this email, you need to thank your recruiter again and remind him that you are quite interested in his job. Besides, you can inquire about his final decision casually.

Understand: How to Write a Follow up Email After email

The question is when to send this follow up email. The answer is after one or two weeks. Please don't send it right away. You should keep your patience level intact if it's a big company where tons of applicants show up for an interview. The waiting period for a follow-up email usually is two weeks. Look around during job interviews to determine the exact time to follow up.

4-Connect on Professional Levels

It would be best to get the names and titles of recruiters and interviewers during job interviews. The purpose of gathering this information is to search for these professionals on LinkedIn.Once you have their names or at-least business cards, it would be easier to connect with them. 

Don't start this connection on the same day. You should wait for at least two or three days. Start your search about these people on LinkedIn. Send a connection request, and in that request, you will mention how you found them, aka job interview, and now you want to connect with them at a professional level.

Every professional wants more connections on LinkedIn, so they won't mind accepting your connection request. The purpose of this connection is to keep your name fresh in headhunter minds.

5- Inform your Reference

You mention some professional or personal references in your job resume. When an interview goes well, a recruiter will likely connect with your reference to assure your talent and skills. 

Check Ways to Write a Personal Reference Letter

Therefore, it's time to inform your reference. Prepare them well and tell them what words would do the magic for you. This information is essential so that a recruiter doesn't catch them off guard and you don't get the result you wanted from this job opportunity.

6. Analyze Your Performance

When you get back home and find some free time. Take a cup of coffee and a notepad. Now start writing all the interview questions. Replay the whole interview. You intend to find out where you lack on this job interview and what answer was the best one. Knowing your strength and weakness help, you get an idea of whether you would be called for a second job interview. How likely will you get a job offer?

Know: How to Identify your Strength and Weakness

Besides, this performance review will help you find out your weaknesses. Knowing your weaknesses helps you improve them. Next time, when there is a job interview, you would easily overcome all those blind spots.

Things not to Do After a Job Interview

Here are some don'ts after the job interview. You need to follow them to avoid your chances of getting rejected for a job.

7. Don't Put a Pause on Job Search

No matter how good your job interview has gone, you can't put a pause on your job search. Being positive is one thing but not making an effort is another. You need to keep in mind the possibility that some other candidate might perform well and you don't get a job offer.

Try to tap on all possible job opportunities. If you give up on a job search and keep waiting for a job offer, you do nothing but waste your mind. It's not a strategic approach to land on your job.

Therefore, you need to continue sending job resumes and cover letters while the recruiter evaluates all other candidates.

8-Do Not Irritate Your Recruiter

Understandably, you want an immediate response after a job interview. Many people can't keep their minds off the possible outcome. So, what they do is to start bugging their recruiter. One thank you letter, and two follow-up emails are good enough.

However, when you start sending him emails or calling his number over and over only to find out what's happening. You are harassing your recruiter, and this thing won't look good for your overall image.

You need to showcase your professional image, and it will be possible only when you wait and watch. 

9-Don't Show your Desperation

Sometimes, it's the only job offer, and you want it so badly. You start calling the recruiter and annoy him with your emails. Try not too desperate; distract yourself with other things if you don't have a job.

things not to do after job interview job desparation

After a job interview, when writing a follow-up email, add your excitement, and never give a hint to the employer that you are desperate for this job offer. Recruiters like passion and excitement, but they may think that your talent isn't worth much in the market if they sense desperation. So, try to play safe.

10-Don't Quit Your Job

Many people become overconfident once a job interview goes well. They resign from their current job as they believe that sooner they will get a job offer. It's a big mistake that one needs to avoid at any cost.

Also Prepare an answer for Question: Why Did you leave your Job?

It would help if you waited until the time a recruiter calls you and makes a job offer. Try not to assume everything from your side, and it will bring serious consequences. You will end up with lots of regrets. 

11-Don't Ghost The Recruiter

Sometimes, you apply for two jobs at the same time. After a job interview, you find out that another company has a better job offer. So, you make up your mind to join that company and forget all about another one. That's the thing you don't need to do. In case you have got a job offer from another company as well, don't ghost your hiring manager- it doesn't look professional.

Instead, you will write an email in which you will say to your hiring manager how thankful you are for the opportunity, but unfortunately, you have to join another company. The hiring manager will understand this, and this way, you can keep your connection alive with him.

Never burn this bridge; you don't know when you will have to use it again.

12-Don't Overthink About Job Interview

It's one thing to review your interview performance, and it's another thing to obsess with it. Well, many people tend to overthink their job interview. Some job seekers become critical and try to find out more negative points. They start focussing on their weakness more, and it's the point where you switch on negative mode. 

Try not to replay your interview over and over again in your mind; this replay mode will drain your energy and can't help you see the positive side.

Find Out: Things to Check before Accepting any job offer

This obsession and overthinking about your job interview would bring adverse results. Reflect on your professional persona after a job interview, but don't overdo it. The purpose is to bring improvement, not to question your own self.

13- Don't Share Interview Updates on Social Media

Sharing your interview details on social media seems like an interesting post; many people can relate to it and share their feedback. However, this is what you won't do after a job interview. 

It might seem exciting to share your interview details and tag your recruiter or company, but this way, you violate their privacy or employment policy. This excitement won't bring more harm than good. You can tell your family and friends about your excellent interview performance offline, but try not to brag about it online.

Wrap up

I have explained 13 dos and don'ts after a job interview. You need to follow them carefully so that you won't have to experience any problems.


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