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  • 20 Things You Should Never Say In Job Interview

20 Things You Should Never Say In Job Interview

In an interview, how you speak, your gestures and your behavior depict your seriousness towards the interview and job. An interviewer can determine from these things whether you are an asset to the company or a risk to their reputation. An interviewee should be ready beforehand by considering cautiously the things he wants to speak about and what he would rather not say. We have compiled a list of 20 things one should never say in a job interview to help those people who had never been to a job interview or they failed at job interviews repeatedly.

1. I am very needy. Please, I need this work."

Such kind of responses to the interviewer shows desperation. It depicts that you don't trust your skills, abilities and qualifications to win a job. Avoid giving such statements and instead convey why you are the right person for this job.

2. Talking with Hesitation

The hesitation forms like um, yeah yeah, uh, well, what, nope, hmm, see, actually,  basically, seriously etc are used in informal conversation. Using the conversation fillers in interviews tells the interviewer that you are not confident and may be lying. Good preparation can save you from such embarrassing situations of using fillers in formal conversation.

3.  Exaggerating about your weaknesses

Never say that I am a workaholic and that is my weakness or that my punctuality is my weakness. It sounds a bit too much of an exaggeration of self-appraisal. Instead of this, tell the truth and come up with a story of how you turned that weakness into strength.

4. Acting like a careless person

don't be careless in a job interview zimbabwe

Be prepared beforehand for an interview with your documents, degrees and resume. Whether it is a telephonic interview, video call Interview or physical interview. Many interviewers ask indirect questions from resumes.

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5. Presneting Yourself as  blank, spotless and blunt

If something is asked by the interviewer and you know nothing about it instead of being blank or making a spotless and confused face or answering bluntly that you know nothing about it. Instead, be polite and answer positively.

 6. Blaming your ex-employer or colleagues 

Why did you leave your previous job? To answer such a question, never blame your previous boss or colleagues. It does not sound nice and your interviewer might perceive that it could be the next.

7. Being overconfident

Appraising the interviewer and making them feel like you are more than comfortable with them. It sounds weird to the interviewer as they are already short on time and they don’t need your appraisals.

8. Addressing your recruiter 

Remember his name and address your recruiter with his name, it will make him alert. Instead of using salutations or asking for his name, the name was already mentioned in an email reply.


9. Never accept defeat

Never say that you do not have experience with certain things or you know nothing about what the recruiter asked. Try to convert the conversation to the things you are an expert at.

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 10. Giving directions to your recruiter 

Let's say he asked something and it is already written in your resume. Instead of asking him to check your resume for the answer, answer yourself until he is satisfied with your answer.

11. Ignoring recruiters bottom line questions 

While concluding the interview he will ask you "if you have anything to ask?" Instead of saying No, ask him questions related to his successful career. It might give a good impression. 

12. Not Keeping Records of Past interviews

Maintain a file of your previous job interviews. Write in it for which company you have applied to and for what role or designation. Recruiters may ask about previous roles you have applied for or interviewed you attended.

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13. Asking for personal information 

Where do you live? Relationship status? Asking about recruiters' salary? Avoid asking and giving personal information.

14. How much will you pay me?

Asking about the salary should be the last question in your final interview. Asking such questions in the first interviews gives a bad impression. A recruiter loves a hard worker, not a materialistic person.

15. Asking for evaluation on the spot 

Never ask your recruiter to evaluate you on the spot and give feedback about the interview. They might not be comfortable saying it in your face rather they would prefer email for feedback.

16.Showing your enthusiasm for starting a business

A company would never waste its resources on a person who wants to leave them in a year or two. Showing your enthusiasm for starting a business or working independently would be turn off for a recruiter 

17. Showing eagerness for holidays and perks

Asking for perks like medical allowance, transportation, sick leaves or paid leaves on your first interview is not suggested. This is the first stage of the interview. Be very careful about creating your image.

18. Crossing your recruiter still if you know the interview outline

Being prepared for an interview and boosting your preparation are two different things. Cross questioning your recruiter or guessing beforehand about the question he is going to ask and saying that you guessed it right is not recommended. 


19. Talking about  hobbies

things not to say in a job interview

The recruiter has no interest in knowing that you love riding horses and it has improved your sense of focus. Simply you are distracting him from the interview and he will mind it. So instead of talking about your hobbies, focus on your skills.

20. Talking Without thinking

Be sure about what you say in your interview. Never say anything like "that is not what I meant" or "you are wrong" to your interviewer. Probably it will offend anyone. Be polite with your words.

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