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  • 7 Mistakes to Avoid During a Job Interview in Canada

7 Mistakes to Avoid During a Job Interview in Canada

A job interview can be the drawing line between you and other candidates of similar skills and qualifications. Adding to your professional background, you need to prepare yourself for this auspicious meeting to prove to employers that you are the one. Now that you made a final check on your dress code, body language and prepared answers to the common questions, one more thing is missing! Mistakes. This article will help you avoid the seven interview killer mistakes that can ruin it all. Beware them!

What Canadians Hate in a Job Interview!

what Canadian recruiters hate

Canadian people are friendly, welcoming, helpful, and supportive. But, there are some professional attitudes that many recruiters are sensitive to. Are you looking for tips to improve your work life and win the job you have applied for? If yes, you should sign up to Fratres and select your country to discover the recent professional updates.

Concerning Canadian job interviews, the process may be made in a bilingual way, depending, of course, on the field you had applied for. Recruiters, in general, pay attention to details. To give the best impression, you can't skip preparation tips, which involves bringing a copy of your CV and the necessary documents, in case they have requested again, preparing the common questions and minding your attitude. Now, it's time to avoid these mistakes that Canadian recruiter don't tolerate: 

1. Speech disfluency and Interruptions:

We all have language twitches and get confused on some speaking occasions. But, during a job interview, it is better to concentrate. In this formal discussion, you should organize your speech and mind your reactions. Avoid these "euh" or "emmm" that punctuate your words. These sounds are banned, even if you are a little stressed. If you are not a native speaker, you should avoid tongue splits and improve your speech pauses. Indeed, it is difficult to believe that a candidate is dynamic if he answers in a too soft voice. Here are; 10 Effective Ways to use Pauses in your Speech.

2. Looking at your Watch Multiple Times:

looking at your watch is banned during an interview

Mind your body language! Many applicants do not realize that eye contact is essential in their interview success. One of the annoying looks that Canadian interviewers hate is the way you look when you watch. Are you in a hurry? Are you annoyed in this meeting? Looking at your watch is one of the mistakes that give a wrong impression on you. Even if these looks are not on purpose, you should forget about the time during this meeting and not think about any commitment, program, or departure after this interview. It would be best if you also thought about the way you stand in front of your interviewer.

3. Contradicting your Application

This mistake sounds ambiguous. How can employers tell that your answers contradict your CV details? Is your CV enough concrete, or have you changed your professional background to perfectly match the job offer? On the day of your job interview, you can't convince the recruiter to put the wrong information in your CV. It is necessary to better sell your presentation with honesty and transparency. You should review what you had written in your CV and cover letter, as you will get questions to clarify some details.

3. A Fashion Victim 

In any job interview, you should dress to impress. You cannot give a good impression if you are not putting value into this meeting. An appropriate outfit in a job interview can be a bonus to score your presentation better. Although your work is not in the fashion industry, you should introduce yourself in your best professional outfit for the interview day. No need to spend a lot of money to dress for the interview. Just be yourself. Take a look at; Best Ways to Pass a Pre-Employment Personality Test

4. Not Reaching on Time: 

Better late than never! But, better never late on a job interview! If things happen and you didn't reach your interview on time, try to apologize. But, don't expand explanations and dramatize the reasons. Canadian recruiters understand excuses and know that some urgent cases might surprisingly interfere with your arrival. At the same time, Canadians don't tolerate time loss. So whatever is the reason, notify the company and apologize for your delay. 

5. Very Spontaneous:

To be successful in your job interview, you need to have well-prepared answers. Although it is essential to be consistent during your answers to the recruiter's questions, you should positively attitude. This term means being very confident, friendly, and down-to-earth. If you think that being spontaneous means cracking jokes, laughing out loud, or winking, you will ruin your interview. Remember, whatever is the job title or the position you have applied for, you should be serious about your answers.

6. A Bad self-introduction:

100% of job interviews include this famous question; tell me about yourself. There is no point in stressing this classic question: the recruiter does not expect a lengthy introduction from your birth until today. On the contrary, this question aims to test your ability to structure a clear self-introduction connected with the position you are applying for.

7. In My old job, employers were...over-dramatizing!

talking badly about previous employers

You should never do one thing; speaking badly about your old company, employers, or your former colleagues. Even if these people are one of the reasons for your career change, you should not limit your application to personal grudges and conflicts. It is instead recommended to justify your current career choice with professional motives. Don't make interviewers get the idea that you are ready to leave and take selfish decisions due to some people. Talking negatively about others reflects two facts, you don't have a good sense of teamwork, and you lack leadership and sociability to adapt to various personalities in your work environment. Here is How to Handle Conflict in the Workplace

These were the 7 mistakes that many applicants fall into their traps. Try to avoid them and 

Take care of your presentation to leave the best professional impression.


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