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Discover 7 Different Interview types in Uganda to Stay Prepared

A job interview is a meeting between two people where they exchange information about the company and its services. The purpose of the job interview is to assess potential candidates' suitability for the position. It is a very important part of the hiring process because it helps you to determine if someone is suitable for your company.

Interviewing is a skill that requires practice, training and experience. It is not always easy to find the right person to conduct a face-to-face interview with. 

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In Uganda, you can find a wide variety of companies. Some like to do face-to-face interview while other prefer group one.  You must have complete idea about different types of job interview. You don’t know what you will experience. So, it’s better to know it all and then get ready for everything you may experience before getting a job.

Structured interview 

It is a way to make sure that the candidate has been put through a thorough process. A structured job interview is more than just asking questions; it’s about finding out what the candidate has to offer, and what he or she can do for the company.

The main purpose of a structured job interview is to get an idea of whether or not you are interested in working with the company. It should also be able to determine if a candidate has any weaknesses that need fixing before you start working with them.

Informational Interview

It is a less common type of job interview designed to test how well candidates can perform specific tasks. The questions asked during the interview are meant to help the hiring company understand how well candidates can do the task.

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Phone interview 

A phone job is a job interview conducted on the phone. It is an informal way to assess people’s skills and personality. A phone job interview is often used as a way of screening candidates for jobs that require high levels of creativity, communication and interpersonal skills.

phone interview for job in uganda

Video job interview

It  is a job interview that is recorded and then played back to the candidate.

A video job interview can be used when you need to hire a new employee for an existing position, or for a new position. It can also be used when you need to recruit someone who has not been hired before.

A video job interview is a job interview that is recorded and then played back to the candidate. The interviewer can play back the video to see how the candidate answered questions.


Group job Interview 

In a group interview, the interviewer asks questions to the group of people. The questions are asked in a systematic way and the answers are grouped according to topic.

Group interview questions can help the interviewer identify the weak areas in an individual and boost his/her confidence before going into a group interview.

Face to face job interviews 

They are an important part of the hiring process. They are used to evaluate the suitability of candidates and assess their ability to perform in the workplace.

Panel Job Interview 

Panel job interview is a job interview conducted by a panel of experts. It is a form of assessment where the candidate is required to present his/her skills and experience in an organized way.

panel job interview in uganda

We should not think of these panel job interview as a replacement for traditional hiring procedures. They are just another tool that can be used to evaluate the candidate’s skill sets and assess his/her potential for long-term success in the workplace.


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