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Following Up After Job Interviews: Etiquette and Strategies

An interview isn't over when you walk out of the room or hang up the call. The follow-up stage can be just as critical as the interview itself in securing a job offer. In this guide, we'll walk you through the etiquette and strategies for effectively following up after job interviews.

Understanding the Importance of Following Up

Following up after an interview allows you to reiterate your interest in the position and the company. It also offers you another chance to highlight your qualifications, demonstrate your professionalism, and stand out from other candidates.

Immediate Follow-Up: The Thank-You Note

When to Send It

The first follow-up step is to send a thank-you note to your interviewer. This should be done within 24 hours of your interview.

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What to Include

Your thank-you note should express appreciation for the interviewer's time and the opportunity to learn more about the role and the company. This is also an opportunity to restate your interest in the position and briefly mention any key points from the interview that make you a strong candidate.

Navigating the Waiting Game: Patience and Persistence

Respecting the Timeline

If the interviewer gave you a timeline for their decision-making process, respect it. It’s okay to follow up, but wait until after the stated timeline before you reach out.

Following Up Again

If you haven't heard back after the stated timeline or after a reasonable amount of time (usually one to two weeks), it's appropriate to follow up again. Your message should remain professional and polite. Restate your interest in the position and ask for an update on the hiring process.

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Customize Your Communications

Generic follow-up messages can come off as impersonal. Tailor your messages to your conversation with the interviewer. If you discussed a particular topic or shared a common interest, referencing this in your follow-up can make your message more memorable.

Keep It Professional

Regardless of the method you're using to follow up (email, phone call, LinkedIn message), always maintain a professional tone. Use proper grammar, be polite, and respect the other person's time.

Stay Positive

Job hunting can be stressful, especially when you're waiting to hear back after an interview. However, it's crucial to stay positive. Your optimism and professionalism will shine through in your communications.

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The Art of Non-Intrusive Follow-Up: Dos and Don'ts

While following up after an interview is important, it's equally crucial to do so in a way that's respectful and non-intrusive. Here are some dos and don'ts to guide you through this delicate process:

Do: Be Specific and Relevant in Your Communications

When you're following up, make sure your message isn't just a request for an update. It should add value to your application. Perhaps there's a recent development in your field that's relevant to the job, or maybe you've just completed a project or certification that further strengthens your candidacy. Mention these updates in your follow-up to keep the conversation engaging and relevant.

Don't: Overwhelm the Hiring Manager with Messages

While it's important to be proactive, sending too many messages can come across as desperate or pushy. If you've already sent a follow-up message and haven't heard back after a week or two, it's okay to send another one. However, after that, it's best to wait for their response before reaching out again.

Do: Use Different Channels Appropriately

Email is typically the most appropriate channel for follow-ups. However, if you connected with the interviewer on LinkedIn, a polite message there can also be effective. Just make sure to maintain professional etiquette regardless of the platform.

Don't: Burn Bridges if the Answer is No

If you follow up and learn that you didn't get the job, it's natural to feel disappointed. However, remember to respond with grace and professionalism. Thank the hiring manager for their time, express your continued interest in the company, and request to be considered for future opportunities. The world of work is surprisingly small, and you never know when your paths might cross again.

Following up after an interview is a balancing act of showing your enthusiasm without coming across as impatient or demanding. With these dos and don'ts in mind, you can ensure your follow-ups leave a positive impression and keep you in good standing with potential employers.


Following up after job interviews is an integral part of the job-hunting process. It shows that you're genuinely interested in the role and eager to move forward. By following these etiquette guidelines and strategies, you can make a strong impression and increase your chances of landing the job. Remember, each interaction with a potential employer is an opportunity to demonstrate your professionalism and commitment.


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