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  • Most Common Job Interview Questions in Nigeria with Answers.

Most Common Job Interview Questions in Nigeria with Answers.

Nigeria is a developing country, and with the growing economic crisis, the need for a good-paying job has increased. The competition in the market has forced the candidates to perform better in interviews to obtain a job. An alone degree does not get you enough paying white-collar jobs, diplomas and workshops add a plus point to your resume. In Nigeria, people are forced to work odd jobs because of the insufficient quality of education they receive.

top interview questions in nigeria

 The first thing that comes to the mind of a Nigerian citizen after completing education is getting a good job. Good preparation for a job interview wins you a good designation. Not preparing basic interview questions is the biggest mistake most students make while preparing for an interview. Following are the few basic questions every account student or employee has to be prepared for the job interview.


How to Answer Interview Question : Introduce yourself?

The answer is, that I am (name), an accountant by profession. I have worked with two companies in the past (company names). I believe in hard work as it pays in the long run. Currently, I am here to look for a better place to thrive my accounting and finance skills.

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The first and the most basic question of the interview is to introduce yourself. It should not cover the basic information already mentioned about the candidate in the resume like age, name, educational background etc. A two-minute quick highlight of professional competency and your motive for applying for this job.


How to Answer Interview Question: What’s Your lifetime achievements?

The answer to this question is the educational, sports and professional life achievements of the candidate in two to three precise lines.


How to Answer Interview Question: What’s Your Life Strengths & Weaknesses?

The answer is that my biggest weakness is that I am a workaholic and I can't leave my office without completing my work. My strengths are my punctuality and my hard work.


Never disclose the attributes of your personality in this question. Like never express that you are bad-tempered or you are addicted to tea or smoking. It leaves a bad impression on the employer.

How to Answer Interview Question: What’s Your passion & goals?

top interview questions in nigeria with answers

The answer is that I am passionate about my fitness. Even after working long hours, I still go to the gym before going home. Goals are usually short-term and long-term. The short-term goals are designed to achieve day-to-day tasks like meeting deadlines etc. The long-term goal is to hit the point from where forward life becomes easy. For example, I want to earn so much that in the future I don't feel the need to check the price tag of things before buying them.


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Earning money is not passion, so never mention earning six figures as your passion in life. Goals are always related to success. Goal-oriented people tend to become successful in their life soon.

How to Answer Interview Question: What is success & failure to you?

The answer is, that success is the achievement of my and my team's goals. Failure is to stand in the same place every day with zero improvement and accomplishments.

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How to Answer Interview Question: How do you perform under pressure?

The answer is that accounts are a kind of field where a person is always under pressure changes the whole balance of a book. So I am always ready to deal with situations under pressure. I am used to working like that and I overcome it in time.

How to Answer Interview Question; Why should we hire you?

The answer is, My abilities and expertise for the position are best in the interest of the organization. I believe I can perform better in this organization with the work environment the company provides

Never answer this question as you need me or because you gave an advertisement for the job. It sounds rude to an employer.

How to Answer Interview Question: Are you ready to relocate anytime?

The answer is, that relocating for job  is a bit of a tricky process. I'm open to considering the relocation option If the better opportunities were offered with relocation.

One should be flexible for relocating. As we all witnessed the world economic crisis after the CoVId-19 pandemic, the relocation of work from home became a normal thing for employers and employees.

How to Answer Interview Question: Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

The answer is, In the next five years I see myself in an organization's reputable chair with enough public relations and power to make life easier for company and myself.

How to Answer Interview Question: What’s Your salary expectation?

The answer is, that currently, I'm trying to focus on my learning and the experience I'll get from working with your organization. The salary cannot be ignored so I'm expecting around 80k excluding perks and bonuses for the senior managerial post of accountant.

Be honest with your previous salary if you have worked in the past. Never demand your salary too much out of the way. 

How to Answer Interview Question: Any questions for us?

The answer is, what is the succession plan of your company? What is the process of rewarding the employees? What software do you use for running accounts-related procedures?

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