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  • What to Wear to an Interview? Business Attire Guide for Men and Women

What to Wear to an Interview? Business Attire Guide for Men and Women

As soon as you get an interview call, the first question that comes into your mind is, "What to wear to an interview." Your appearance on your job interview matters as much as your job interview preparation. You may spend hours preparing common interview questions, but when you don't care about your interview attire at all, it's hard to get a job offer. Why? Your appearance matters. The way you dress up leaves a good or bad impression on your employer. 

what to wear for a job interview business casual attire

Therefore, today in this business attire guide, I would tell you what to wear for an Interview, and also I will share some example dress up ideas for both men and women. However, Before all that, I would like you to focus on some essential points.

Why Care About Interview Attire?

Interview preparation doesn't only include prep for the best answer to your job interview questions, but it also requires you to pay enough attention to your looks. 

Remember - First Impression is the Last Impression.

Therefore, you need to dress up for a job interview so that you would be able to get a job offer. Your appearance, gesture, and postures matter the most. Therefore, you should know what to wear and what not to wear. In this post, I will offer a detailed answer to common questions you have related to job interview attire.

What to Wear to an Interview? 

It's a common question, and the answer relies on your research. Here is what you need to do.

Check company culture and environment. How? Look into the social pages of a company. You would be able to explore the details of its employees easily from social platforms. 

Get an idea on how to Prepare for a Behavioral job interview

Make a direct call to your recruiting manager and ask him about his company's dress code. Some candidates are hesitant to make a call. However, there is nothing wrong with it. By making this call to the recruiter, you give him the impression of how serious you take to that company and do enough job interview preparation.

What if there is no dress code? Sometimes, you look around in a company's profile and are unable to decide about its dress code. In that case, business casual is your last resort. 

Try to dress up as per industry and job type. For example, you can wear creative and fashion-oriented outfits for the fashion industry. However, when it comes to traditional industries with a professional environment such as the insurance industry, finance industry, investment sectors, etc., you can only go with formal interview attire.

business attire job interview

Wear only a comfortable dress. Many people make a mistake; they pick a business attire that is too formal and doesn't feel comfortable walking around after wearing it. When you wear uncomfortable dresses, you lose your confidence; this is not what you expect in a job interview. The purpose is to make a good impression while keeping your self-confidence intact.

What to Wear on Job Interview for Women

Professional Shirts For Women- Simple or Fancy

No matter if you are going to a casual job interview or a formal one, don't risk your image with fancy shirts, especially those with logo designs. You can go with a classic white shirt that makes a great combination with a blazer and suit. 

Stuff can be silk or cotton, but you need to select a simple design that can offer a clean and crisp appearance. 

Dress Pants for Women- Good Fit or Tight 

When you are trying on dress pants, make sure to look into the mirror and see how other people would see it. Never go with a dress pant that is too tight to show your panty line clearly. It would be best if you always look good. 

Nails - Long or Short:

You need to give yourself a manicure and pedicure two days before your interview day. Yes, it's essential to brighten up your hands and feet. Do mani and Pedi; choose soft colors like sheer colors, peach, taupe, baby pink, beige or clear nail polish. Don't go with bold black and red ones. 

In case you are going for a fashion magazine job interview. Indeed, you can play with fancy colors, glitters, and stones; because creativity is what a hiring manager would like to see.

Now the question is whether to wear long nails or short ones? Well, I will say keep medium size nails. 

Do filling of your nail, even sharp ends. A neatly-looking manicure is what you want. Your nail shape must be round, don't go with a sharp-big pointed nail shape; it won't make you look fantastic on your job interview.

Shoes - Heels or No Heels

The main idea of taking care of job interview attire is to make an excellent first impression. Got confused about whether to wear heels or not? I would suggest you wear what makes you comfortable. 

If sneakers make you walk quickly and with confidence, go with it. You can't be wobbly around your prospective employee by wearing heels that might look stunning but don't bring any comfort.

Black heels always look great. Don't pick red shoes or joggers as they are indeed the worst idea. Instead, go with soothing pastel shades like beige or even lavender. White is classic and can be worn in the form of pumps and heels.

What Shoes to Wear on a Casual Business Interview? Sneakers

Business Casual Interview Attire Shoe Selection Ideas for Men and Women

Women can go in flats or heels that are less than 3 inches. Sandals are okay but try something else.  When it comes to selecting what to wear with a skirt or suit, go with wedges, boots, and heels. Again, a simple one is the best. The color of women's shoes in an interview should be neutral, pastel, black, or white.

Men, on the other hand, should keep it formal. Say no to sneakers. It will make you lose your charm. The best collection comprises derbies, brogues, oxfords, and loafers. Black and brown are two right shades. 

Hairstyle Ideas for Men and Women on Job Interview:

Women can wear their hair in the form of an updo or down as straight or curly hair. Make sure your hairstyle looks polished and sophisticated. Messy buns are a big NO.

You must know how to answer an interview question- "Teach me Something"

Men with long hair think that it's okay to go to an Interview with them. Well, unless you are going to a fashion industry interview, your long hair needs trimming and styling. No matter if you are going for a business casual or formal interview, you must have a short or medium haircut. Long hairstyling, especially a man bun, is a big NO.

Business Casual Interview Dress Examples for Men and Women:

What to wear to an interview, even when its format is casual, you will find it challenging to select the best one. So, I'm going to share the best examples of what to wear in such an interview.

Formal Workplace Outfit Examples

As I told you before, you need to consider the workplace environment and culture when selecting your outfit for an interview. 

In a formal setting, you need to dress up for success, and thereby, it will be attained when you opt for dark color suits. Both men and women opt for suits as they look super sophisticated and ensure formal appeal and touch.

Don't forget to read: How to answer difficult interview questions

Men- You need a buttoned-down shirt and tie. Accessorize your style with suit pants and jackets

Women- suit pants with matching jacket /formal skirt with matching jacket.

Casual Workplace Dress Examples:

The main idea of looking into workplace culture is to select a dress that lets you blend quickly in that environment. So, when you notice business casual attire, then the answer to what to wear to a job interview in the UK is "Business Casual."

Men- Go with black or navy dress, pick a buttoned-down plain shirt and tie. Blazer would enhance your persona, while loafers would make a great combination with this sort of casual dressing.

Women- Select Black or Navy Dress pants or skirts, compliment them with cardigans and button-down shirts. Heels look great with skirts, but you can also opt for flats based on your comfort level.

What Makeup Should Women Wear to an Interview ?

Could you keep it simple and natural? Don't experiment with new looks. Never opt for a glamorous look because it will not create a good impression. Keep in mind; it's a job interview, not your first date. So, you better stick with neutral and warm eyeshadow.

If you are an expert makeup artist, go with red lipsticks. However, a newbie can opt for peach and pinkish lip-shade. Blush-on can be beige for nice contour or baby pink for cute face appeal. 

Business Attire Selection for Interview Guides and Tips 

Here are some tips to keep in mind while deciding what to wear to an interview between men and females. 

  • Never go with stained shirts and pants.
  • It would help if you pressed your cloth. Never step into your interview room with wrinkled shirts.
  • Dry clean your dresses two days before, ensure that you wear only clean cloth for an interview.
  • When it comes to what to wear to an interview for female UK selection, women should never wear bright and bold colors. Pick a color that compliments your skin tone.
  • You need to take good care of your perfume. A mild or light fragrance is a right choice. You shouldn't wear intense cologne that distracts everyone in the interview room.
  • Even when you are going for a s
  • kype interview, you need to follow the same rule though you can skip perfume.
  • Never wear visible underwear; it will leave a wrong impression on other people. Some women don't care about bra straps as they match with shirt color, but you should be extra careful.
  • When it comes to getting an answer to what to wear for an interview with women, always remind yourself that it's not a date. Therefore, you need to keep your hands off too short or heavy-cut blouses. 

What to Wear for an Interview Men (Corporate One) ? 

You will wear a suit, go with black, navy, or grey shade. An inner shirt must have long sleeves. The white color shirt looks classic and good. However, you can pick one that looks good with your suit. Wear dark socks, no jewelry, and formal-touch shoes: light spray and a little amount of aftershave. Your nail must be nicely trimmed. Keep important document in a briefcase (for formal look and appeal)


What to Wear to an Interview Female UK (Corporate One)?

I would suggest you get formal suit ideas from Michelle Obama or other celebrities. They will give you an idea of what to wear in a corporate setting. You can wear suits in brown, grey, blue, navy or black. Even white is an excellent choice.

  •  Pick a blouse shade that looks great. You can opt for a below or above knee skirt.
  • When it comes to jewelry, you need to keep it simple and stylish. Don't wear cheap jewelry and tons of bracelets in both hands. 
  • Wear a simple ring but don't adore every finger. An arm full of bracelets and dangling earrings is a big NO. Your hairstyle must be formal. 
  • Try light perfume and keep pantyhose shade neutral. 
  • Women should wear light and natural makeup at job interviews. And yes, don't forget to bring your fantastic portfolio.

Wrap up

I hope you have got a clear idea of what to wear for a job interview. You need to select your business attire as per workplace and culture. Wear casual for a semi-formal workplace while you need to go with sophisticated-looking formal outfits for a corporate interview. If you are not sure what to wear for an interview (men and women), it's better to get your friends' suggestions. Think of making a call to recruiters who can give you enough awareness about the dress code. While focusing on what to wear for a job interview, ensure that you avoid all those things you shouldn't wear on an interview.


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