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11 Best Online Job Search Tools for Easy Job Hunting

Are you in an online job search? Do you want to know what the best websites to search job in Pakistan are?

There are hundreds of job web portals; however, there are some pages better than others that offer more reliability, a greater number of job offers as well as tools that tell you how to search jobs online or to find the job opportunities that best suit your professional profile or the job that you are looking right now.

Basic resources to search job in Pakistan offers on the Internet:

Searching for how to search jobs online on the Internet is a job in itself, you heard this phrase as many times. Some of the basic resources are mentioned below.

Personal Brand:

It is not so much about searching as it is that companies looking for candidates for a job offer find you. Personal Branding is key when looking for work on the Internet. If you know how to do personal branding, then you can do it easily.

Curriculum online:

Times have changed in the online job search and with them, the way to present your application for a job offers in Pakistan. Before looking for jobs on the Internet you must ask yourself how to create a good resume. Which model suits me best and especially where to find the best online curriculum templates.

Social Networks:

The 8 out of 10 companies consult the profile of their candidates in Social Networks where the first job interview is already carried out and where it is convenient to make very clear the term “I am looking for a job or in an active job search”.

Information and trends:

If you are searching on the Internet to search jobs in Pakistan, it is best to put yourself in the hands of experts in Human Resources and personnel selection that will help you to locate the best jobs.

Resources and search engines:

You should be up to date on the best websites to look for work on the Internet, whether they are job offers for companies or announcements of public employment calls.

12 Best Online Job Search Tools:

online jobs


This is one of the best job websites where you will find a greater number of job offers. This is because it is a mega online job search engine. Indeed, he looks for job offers in dozens of web portals and groups them on his page.

At a glance you can access hundreds of opportunities without browsing a lot, this makes it one of the best websites to search jobs in Pakistan.

Fratres Job Search

Whether you are looking for a part-time job or full-time, Fratres opens up a lot of job positions in different companies and sectors. Your job search experience will become very simple and easy when you start using this job search tool. With its advanced job alert feature, you would be able to get the latest job updates right in your email. Its career advice section will help you win a job.

Google Jobs:

Google Jobs is a new Google tool that allows you to search through dozens of web portals to find the opportunities that best suit your profile. Instead of accessing a job portal, users simply have to type the work they are looking for in the Google search bar and the results will appear. Find latest Google Jobs in Pakistan.


LinkedIn is one of the best websites which is helpful in how to search jobs online. It is the largest social network for professionals in the world.

You can search for job offers, locate employers who advertise vacancies and follow the companies that interest you to be aware of the latest job opportunities they publish.


Monster is a giant web portal with an international presence. In fact, it stands out much more in other countries. On this website, you can find many job offers for all types of professionals.

In Monster, you can easily search a job and apply for it, publish a resume, the other benefit of a monster is that you can also review company details and all information about the salary.

Job today:

One of the applications to look for work that more growth and strength is gaining lately (It already has 1 million downloads). This is due to its great ease of use and minimalism in the description of offers.

The best thing about this application without a doubt is the chat. It is an option in which if you have doubts about an offer you can send a message to the company that put it and solve your doubts. In this way, the conversation between both parties is much easier.

online job search

Job and Talent:

As they proclaim themselves "The first digital ETT" has 1 million downloads. It is one of the Apps to find better-known jobs.

It is an application of use and acceptable design. Profile optimization is very important since the application relies on it to show you the offers.

If you want to look for offers other than those of your profile you should look for them with their filters.

We can also find a chat in which messages are received, therefore we must be attentive to answer the messages and thus have more chances of obtaining employment. If you are finding an online job in digital marketing field then this platform is the best option for you

Work today:

It may not be the best-known job application, but it has great potential. It already has 100,000 downloads and growing.

As soon as it has been designed, it is quite clean without many details, which favors its use, and as for the use itself, it is very intuitive.


It already has a million downloads. It is a very useful application to look for work since it uses job web portals that are not very well known and the offers that we can find there are very interesting. It is very intuitive to use and you can even use it without being registered.


SimplyHired is a job search engine that opts for a very simple interface in which you can enter the job vacancy you are looking for and filter it by province or type of activity.

Its simplicity has made it one of the most successful options when looking for a job on the Internet in 2018.


Jobs.com is another of the options of general portals to look for work on the Internet and that has been offering its services since the end of the 90s.

On its website you can find thousands of job offers and, as in the other options, you have a section for companies that, in case you need it, can be used to locate candidates.


Fiverr is another of the reference websites when it comes to locating freelance job offers that you can choose from a wide selection of sectors, most of them related to the world of new technologies.

Once registered, you can offer your services to the projects that interest you most and start working from home.

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