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  • 9 Ways to Build Self-confidence at work

9 Ways to Build Self-confidence at work

It's vital to have confidence at work because this is how you can earn promotions, big rewards, and do your Job happily. Having doubts about job expertise and your ability to handle a job are two common reasons for low self-confidence. Other reasons are being hard on yourself, having fears of losing a job, feeling uncomfortable at your workplace.

No matter what's your reason for low self-confidence, I'm going to explain nine ways to build your confidence at work.

1. Do Strength and weakness Analysis

Don't know what your strengths and weaknesses are? It's okay not to have a complete idea of what you are good at and where you lack at some points. Go and do a personality test and then meet the real you and also better understand your personality traits.

Now I suppose you know everything about your strength. What to do about it? It would help if you capitalized on your strength. Integrate them into your current job role.

As far as weaknesses are concerned, the first thing to know is that no one is perfect. You can efficiently work on your weaknesses and turn them into your plus point. Please read this post to get an idea of how great leaders transform their weaknesses into strengths.

2. Give Yourself Some Challenges

The fact is that many of us don't want to move out of our comfort zone. We try to do a work about which we have a complete idea. However, if you're going to prosper and have a desire to step up in your career ladder, then get ready to accept some challenges.

Don't know about a specific task of a job, take it, and try to learn it. I know it will require some time, but in the end, you will know how to do it in the right way.

Trying something new at work will help you get full control of your fear related to a task.

3. Don't Over Criticize yourself

One of the best ways to boost your confidence at work is to give yourself a break. Try to understand the fact that when you start a project about which you have a little idea, it's common to have some mistakes. 

Instead of holding back and criticizing your capability, you should try to do better. Look at your mistake and try to learn from it. It will help you improve and handle the same project with confidence.

4. Ask Others to highlight your talent

Sometimes, we are not well-aware of ourselves. We don't know what makes us a better person and what qualities we have. In that case, ask your teammates and colleagues about your talent. They would highlight your leading talent. You will know how others see you, or precisely your expertise. It's a way to encourage yourself and increase your confidence at work.

5. Don't Lose Your Positive Attitude

One of the main habits of a successful person is his positive attitude. In the workplace, you meet with different kinds of people; some are good while others are leg-pullers, bully, or even narcissists. Such types of people often demotivate others and also try to belittle them.

how to increase confidence at work

Don't be a victim of any such case. It's just one example of a bad case scenario when your attitude goes negative. In reality, there could be many other unfortunate circumstances where you start thinking that I can't take it anymore. 

No matter how bad a situation is or how toxic your workplace and colleagues are, it would be best if you stayed positive. With a positive attitude, you can find a solution to every problem.

6. Learn New Skills

You can quickly increase confidence at work by learning some new skills such as time management, problem-solving, conflict resolution, etc. The more you learn, the more knowledge you get. You can make the most of these skills at your workspace. 

build confidence at work

  • Whenever there is a problem, you will offer some solutions that might work. And it's a work-related achievement you can keep in your pocket.
  • Did a conflict arise between your boss and team? You know how to manage it well. Once you know you were the one who controlled it. You can give yourself the full credit.

7. Monitor Your Progress

One point when you lose confidence at your work is when you think that you are not progressing at all. You might be getting a promotion, but that doesn't make you happy. You don't know the reason. You may be underpaid at Job, check those signs to identify. Or explore some other ideas to have no job satisfaction.

If that's not the matter, then you are the reason. You are not giving enough credit to your work and achievement. So, what to do?

Keep a tab on every little and significant progress and work achievement.

Have you completed a task on time? Give yourself a treat. Go and have a cup of coffee.

Did your team handle a task quite well? Consider it as an achievement and a little progress that would lead to something big.

8. Get to know your Job

Many people have low confidence at work because they think that they are not good at it, or they are not as amazing as other employees are. If that's the case, then you should know a little more about your Job and requirements. If you are unable to handle a task due to a lack of knowledge, then it's time to get the training required to increase your performance.

Training helps you do better on the Job, and this is how you can build your confidence at work.

9. Try to Control your Emotions

Do you sweat a lot when you are in a meeting with a superior or boss? It's normal to feel a kind of pressure when you need to report. But don't let it control your nerves. Taking control of your emotions is to respond well and gain confidence at the workplace. If you make every single lousy situation to blow your mind, then it's hard to believe in yourself. 


If you are a woman who doesn't have confidence, then I'm going to share five books to increase confidence. They let you handle the most significant life challenges with empowerment and self-confidence.


  1. Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challengesby Amy Cuddy

  2. The Art of Asking' by Amanda Palmer

  3. Playing Big: Find Your Voice, Your Mission, Your Message by Tara Mohr

  4. Mistakes I Made at Work' edited by Jessica Bacal

  5. Self-Inflicted Wounds: Heartwarming Tales of Epic Humiliation by Aisha Tyler

Wrap up

Finally, you know the best ways to increase your self-confidence at work. I suggest you understand the main reason why you are feeling less confident. Once you know that reason, the next step is to work on it.


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