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  • Am I Underpaid at My Job? Pay Attention to 12 Warning Signs

Am I Underpaid at My Job? Pay Attention to 12 Warning Signs

If you are asking this question from yourself, “Am I Underpaid at my job?” then you have hit the right place. This question hammers your mind when you have doubts that Salary you are getting not worth it.

We all have financial burdens due to the increasing trend of inflation. In this scenario, if you feel you are underpaid, then this feeling will demoralize you, demotivate you, or somehow you also feel quite humiliating. 

signs that you are underpaid


Not sure whether you are underpaid for a job or not. I understand that situation; therefore, I’m going to clear all those doubts by presenting you with some warning signs. Pay attention to all those signs, and you will get a clear answer to the question, “Am I underpaid at my job?”.

8 Signs that you are Underpaid 

Here are some signs that makes it clear to you that you are not being fairly compensated at workplace.

  1. Your company is Growing but Not Rewarding you.

If you are a part of a start-up company that has to flourish enough in recent years, then you must have your share in this growth and development. If a company is thriving but not rewarding its employees, then you can stand up and talk about it with your manager. 

  1. You are not getting paid according to Market Rate. 

Look into the market and see how other people with similar jobs are getting paid. You can have a salary idea by checking the latest jobs in Pakistan. Research on this market rate helps you make a good case of pay rise in front of your HR Manager. When you learn that other companies in the same industry are offering better packages than yours, there is no harm to take this matter to executives.


  1. Similar job listing with higher payments on your company site

If your company is expanding and hiring new employees for another branch, then it’s time to see how your company is compensating for upcoming employees. If they are offering the same salary package as you have, no need to do anything.

However, if they are offering a new employee a better salary package in comparison to you, then it’s unfair, and you need to stand up in your defense. 


  1. You are not earning as high as Your Colleagues Are

Salary discussion is prohibited in some companies. But at some official event, it’s okay to bring this topic under consideration and try to find out what your colleagues with similar experience and knowledge are earning. If you get a hint that they are making more money than you, it’s time to plan a one-to-one meeting with your manager. 

Am i underpaid signs to check


  1. You Salary doesn’t increase, but your responsibilities are

If you are held responsible for so many other tasks with time, but there is no official pay rise talk, then you should take a stance. However, when this level of high responsibilities is temporary, then you can’t demand a pay rise.


  1. No performance review over a year 


Usually, all companies have policies to review their employee’s performance on an annual basis. However, if you didn’t get any such review for more than a year, it’s an alarming sign. You can specifically inquire about it, primarily when you have achieved a lot during last year, and you want to get enough recognition and reward for it.

Learn: How to Ace your Annual Performance review.

  1. You only get a Tiny Pay Rise

Some companies offer a 1-3 percent pay rise every year, but it usually is to let their employees deal with inflation. However, you deserve better pay based on the fact that your experience and expertise have grown over the last years. You learned new technologies and know-how to handle your job better. When you are making a difference in your company, then you can stand by yourself and demand extra compensation for it.


8.Your boss always avoids Pay-Rise Talk.      

If you talk with your manager about pay-rise, when you think you deserve it and he ignores it every time then you, it’s a warning sign. Don’t overlook it; if your boss is not ready to recognize your efforts you do for the company, you are not getting paid as you deserve.

9.You are okay not to Talk About it

Some people don’t like to move out of their comfort zone even when things are going against them. If you are a person who is only happy to have a job, then you need to change your mindset. Try to know your worth, increase your self-esteem at the job, and try to fight for something you should have. 

10. Your company has a High Turnover

A company with high turnover spends a lot of money in hiring new employees and also to keep the existing one. However, it also means that your company is not paying a competitive rate, so other employees prefer to leave it. If you didn’t go to the company in the last three years and you are loyal to it, then you can cash your loyalty. There is no harm in asking for a pay rise by showing your loyalty card. Understand why your company does have high turnover rate.


11. You’ve never asked for Pay-Rise

If you are the kind of person who is okay with whatever is happening around you, then you should reconsider this life approach. It will help if you overcome your fear of asking for pay-rise. It is possible that you ask for it and you’ll get it. Go and try your luck.

12. Other colleagues are getting bonuses and rewards, but nothing is for you.

It is a red signal where you should stop your work right away and investigate this matter. Why are you not getting bonuses? When you are showing excellent performance, but no recognition or promotion is coming your way, it’s time to either ask for a pay-rise or to leave your current job and search a new one.

Wrap up

Every person should get fair compensation. I always suggest you pay close attention to all these signs that you are underpaid. Also, please don’t ignore your gut feeling and instincts about it. As soon as you realize that your boss is not paying you at a competitive rate, it would help if you asked for a pay-rise.

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