Can I Find Jobs in the UK Without a Degree?

posted:4 years agobyAwatef Hamdiin Apprenticeships
Are you looking for a high-paying, but you don’t have a university degree? Don’t worry, many job seekers like you dream of a high-paying job, despite the absence of a degree. This article is beneficial as it will introduce you to the best career opportunities that do not rely on a degree. Let’s get started.
Are There High Paying Jobs Without a Degree?
The answer is yes. But, this doesn’t mean that having a degree is pointless. To do justice to the educational system in the UK, UK degrees are internationally recognized. Parents invest their money to make their kids obtain the degrees that culminate in high-paying jobs. If you regret not having a degree, you can have a chance to resit your exam.
Concerning the payment of jobs without a degree, earnings depend on the field, location, and working hours. The expected salary can progress when you prove yourself in the field. Without any further ado, let’s check out the best careers that do not require a degree.
How to Get a Job without a Degree in the UK
It is no longer impossible to find a high-paying job without a degree. The job market is always accessible to all kinds of job seekers who seek to develop their lives and, at the same time, contribute to the economy. To land in the best professional options, all you need to do is.
-Prepare a resume: it is simple to introduce yourself in the job market through a summary. It is not a big issue if you have no qualifications. Just focus on what employers want for the job. Focus on skills, and you better elaborate a professional experience. When there is no degree, employers are more interested in skills and experience, as they both can entirely substitute a degree.
-Networking: building a developed professional network is an essential step to land into the best jobs. Employers will get confirmed about your professional eligibility if they find you known by some colleagues.
-A reference list: this is a nice list that can be attached to your resume. Employers will be curious to know about some professional sources. After listing these essential tips, we recommend visiting Fratres UK to see what suits you as a job. This website houses various job offers from different industries in the UK. Don’t lose your time! Hurry up and visit Fratres UK.
How to Apply for a Job without a Degree:
Although each job has some specific application tips mentioned in the job description, there are still some common routes leading to the jobs we will list right now. We will start with the most comfortable jobs
1.Consulting jobs:
It is not a joke. You can make money out of consulting. Consultants are usually working for agencies that operate in different fields, such as traveling, recruitment, transactions, etc..The best consulting field in recruitment consulting. A consultant should have excellent verbal and written communication skills rather than a degree. Their task is to help companies find good staff. Adding to the average salary, recruitment consultants can get a commission from the companies’ fees.
2. Sales Jobs:
There is no doubt that some high-paying jobs in the sales field do not require a degree. There are many roles and responsibilities available for nongraduate applicants. A potential sales representative should approach many clients to increase purchases. This job is very lucrative. An entry-level sales representative can earn up to £25,000 per year.
3. A Mortgage Advisor:
Surprisingly a mortgage advisor does not require a degree. This job consists of offering loan options to people who want to buy a house, a car. To get this loan, they need to secure something that meets the loan value. This equivalent loan is called a mortgage. A mortgage advisor helps people to estimate the loan they are applying for. This job requires analytical thinking skills and good clerk skills to run the mortgage documents.
4. Creative Jobs:
No degree can estimate your creativity and talents. As many projects are needing a creative touch to look unique and attractive, it is your turn to turn your talents into money. You can get jobs as:
- An event planner
- A photographer
- An e-book reader/ voice-over actor or actress
- A blogger or a content writer
Take a look at the jobs that offer freedom in life
5. An Estate Agent:
This is the highest-paying job in the UK and elsewhere globally, linked to the high commission. Now, let’s learn more details about the job. An estate agent is involved in selling residents, villas, mansions, and luxury items, be it online or in auctions. There is no degree required for estate agents. The entry-level salary for this job can reach 30,000 per year, without counting the tips and commission on sales.
These were the top 5 high paying jobs that do require a degree in the UK. I hope you find them interesting.