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Effects of Work Life Balance on Employee Performance in Sri Lanka

In today's world, where there is a growing number of people who are taking up jobs that involve working-from-home and time spent on the internet, work life imbalance has become a major topic of discussion. It is not just about how long you work but also about your ability to manage your family life and other aspects of your life outside of work. One needs to strike a balance between the two or else it could lead to stress, tiredness and even health issues which in turn affects productivity at work.

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Latest Research About Work Life Balance in Sri Lanka 

A study was conducted on the effect of work life balance on employee performance in Sri Lanka. The study found that 66.7% of the respondents lacked work life balance, which negatively impacted their work performance. Moreover, 28% of the respondents stated that this issue could be resolved if the company provided flexible working hours and a healthy work environment.

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This is an informative introduction to help introduce the reader to what will be discussed in this section and provide context for the section as a whole.

The purpose of this mini-research project is to explore the relationship between work life balance and employee performance in Sri Lanka.

In Sri Lanka, the term work life balance is often misinterpreted as 'worklife' balance, which implies that if one has work then they have a life. For many employees in Sri Lanka, it is not unusual for them to have no time or energy left for their personal lives and social activities. This can lead to an increase in stress levels and fatigue.

The research found that most employees did not believe that their employers had a flexible working culture and therefore were not able to manage their work-life balance effectively. They also believed that productivity was reduced when there was no work life balance within organizations. This would be true when employees are under constant stress or feel like th

Work life balance is a difficult issue to handle in the workplace. There are many contributing factors that can lead to a lack of work life balance including an employee's personal life, their workload, and their company's policies.

The Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment has data on the effect of work life balance on employee performance in Sri Lanka. This data has been collected from interviews with employees at different levels within various companies and industries.

This study highlights that there is a very low number of employees who have achieved work-life balance. The survey also found that people who have won this battle also remember it as a struggle and stress every step of the way when trying to find it for themselves.

The survey also found that 50% out of the total respondents are working more than 8 hours per day.

How Work Life Imbalance Effect life of Employees?

Work life balance is a prevalent problem in the workplace. It is defined as "a situation that occurs when the time an individual spends on work activities is appropriate to the time spent on other activities such as family, self-care, and leisure."

The availability of technology has significantly contributed to this problem. For example, employees are spending more time on their work tasks while they are supposed to be doing something else like eating or sleeping.

However, in recent years, employers have started taking it seriously. They have introduced policies and implemented strategies which aim at solving this issue.

Work life imbalance is a serious problem for employees as many of them are forced to neglect their personal lives in order to complete their work.

Employee life is significantly impacted due to the lack of work-life balance. Patronizing thoughts in our workplace such as “I’m managing this project so I need to work late”, “I need to work from home on weekends because I was at the office so much this week”, and “I have a deadline coming up so I need to go after hours” are common.

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It’s not just the productivity that is at stake due to improper balance of work life. In reality, this one thing effect employee in multiple ways. They are unable to attend holidays in peace. Sometimes, their personal lives get distrubed.

work life balance low productivity

Employees are feeling burnt out, overworked, and resentful when they are not able to get a break from the job. As a result, we end up having less productivity and more errors in our work. This is compounded by the paradoxical fact that employers are demanding more in terms of availability from their workers without any increase in pay for overtime or weekends spent working.

Wrap up

Work life balance is an increasing problem in Sri Lanka these days. The culture of requiring employees to be available at all times, the rapid rate at which technology has improved and changed the way that we work, and the tendency to take our work with us everywhere we go has made it difficult to have any semblance of a personal life.

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