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Everything You Need to Know About Employee Relations

Conflict at the workplace is inevitable; an employee relations manager or department is there to resolve this issue without damaging the reputation of a company. I know you will start wondering what does employee relation mean? Therefore, today I'm going to tell you everything about this human resource concept. Let's get started.

What is Meant by Employee Relations?

It refers to all the efforts of an organization or company for establishing a positive relationship with employees. Generally, employee relations mean a relationship between employee and employer. Every company hires an employee so he can join other employees and increase the company's productivity and performance. 

Happy employees are always productive ones.

An employee got multiple relationships in the workplace, such as with his peers, managers, lower-level employees, assistants, boss, and higher-level authorities. It's essential to keep all those relationships positive and healthy, and else an employee will feel unhappy. 

And this happiness would become one of some reasons to leave a current job.

However, sometimes an employee has a bad experience that results in his low performance and productivity. The reason for that bad experience could be anything. 

The role of employee relations is to understand the problem an employee has in an organization and then come up with the best solution. So, he can perform well, and the company can enjoy success.

What is the meaning of Employee Relations in Human resources?

Every company has an HR- Human Resources Department. The role of this department is to handle and manage every person in a company. Employee relations is a specialized division of the HR department that has specific responsibilities related to every employee of the company. The purpose of this division is to establish a positive and healthy relationship between employees and employers.

Most of the time, this relationship suffers when an employee has some conflict with another employee, his supervisors, manager, or boss. So, an employee relations manager's role is to listen up what an employee has in mind and then try to solve his position in a way that benefits both organization and employee.

What Does an Employee Relations Manager Do?

what does an employee relation manager do

Here are some responsibilities of an ER Manager.

  • Creating workplace policies about code of conduct, ethics, workplace harassment, bullying, discrimination, etc. 
  • Managing all sorts of workplace relationship
  • Managing employee program and training employees
  • Facilitating effective workplace communications
  • Offering an employee a trustworthy place where they can come and share all their concerns and complaints; knowing the fact that all such information will remain confidential
  • Facilitating communication among every level of organization, such as between low-level employees and higher management.
  • Listening to all questions and concerns; Answering all queries
  • Offering the best solution to resolve workplace conflict and disputes
  • Liaison between coworkers and employees
  • Expanding workplace communication.
  • Handling all the employee complaints both formal and informal
  • Investigating workplace harassment, bullying, ostracism and other claims reported by the employee
  • Reporting to higher-management
  • Managing all sorts of Time-off, absent and medical leave issues 
  • Terminating an Employee

What Are Some Examples of Employee Relations?

Here are some examples that help you better understand what is meant by employee relations.

what is mean by employee relations conflict management

Conflict Management: A company always needs a healthy workplace where the workforce is feeling happy and positive. However, conflict is possible among coworkers and employees all the time. Therefore, an employee relations manager deals with any dispute. His goal is to find a middle ground so both parties can achieve mutual understanding. They are agreed on some terms and ready to let go of a dispute.

Every company tries to avoid disputes, but when it happens, then they have employee relations managers who bring everything back to normal.

Workplace Issues: It's not possible to find a job in a perfect workplace. There is no ideal world. Some people are good at their jobs, while others are good at pulling the legs of others. In simple words, cases of workplace bullying, ostracism, and harassment are quite common. Therefore, whenever such issues arise, it's the sole responsibility of employee relations to do an investigation and then nip the evil in the bud.

Compensation Claims: Many times, employees don't have job satisfaction because they think that they are underpaid. In that scenario, they go to the employee relations department and claim for extra wage and salary. Now a manager will check the performance and investigate this claim. If an employee deserves a pay-rise, he will get it. Else, the ER Manager, will find a way to satisfy him.

Time-Keeping and Attendance Issues: Every employee can't be punctual, some don't like to show up on time, and they don't care about time-tables. However, punctuality is a vital element of the workplace. If an employee doesn't follow the code of conduct, then he should have to face the consequences. An employee relations manager has all rights to handle an employee who doesn't come to the office on-time. In the same manner, when an employee takes frequent breaks and without any medical reason, then a manager puts him back on his right track.


It's essential to maintain a positive relationship between employee and employer because it helps a company to show excellent performance and enjoy success. The role of employee relationships is significant as they keep employees happy by handling all their conflicts, claims, and complaints in the best manner available.

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