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  • Five Tips Regarding Work Life in Poland

Five Tips Regarding Work Life in Poland

Many job seekers are wondering on Quora and many platforms: How can Polish work life be? What are the main characteristics of working and living in Poland? Is Poland a great destination for work and study? Despite the countless answers, some of them depend on the individual experience of people there. What if you find out that there are five tips for an amazing work life in Poland no matter your field or sector? Check this article.

Work Life in Poland:

work life in poland

 In Poland salaries are not as high as the European Union countries. But, the cost of living conveys the expenses of the working mass. After the pandemic, various sectors have decreased their activities, while others have flourished. As long as employment in Poland is still open to foreigners and locals, the question about work life revolves around three queries:

-Salaries: Job seekers are interested in employment not only for developing new skills, but also for obtaining a motivating salary that makes them avoid turnovers.

-Working hours: the schedule affects productivity and motivation. Employers always attract applicants who can adapt to the new changes of working hours. It is also important to clarify this information in the contract, so that the applicant becomes more aware of night shifts and changes.

-the work environment: applicants care for the environment as it shapes the nature of work. For example: if the position offered involves teamwork, it will include a specific attitude and professional etiquettes. In other words, the work environment defines the nature of your work life, especially when your tasks are in association with other colleagues.

If you are interested in knowing the best tips to lead a successful work life, join Fratres. Fratres is a job search engine with professional updates about employment in your target destination. Here are the top five advice regarding Polish work life:  

1.Understanding the Demands of the Field/ Sector:

Working schedule in Poland

Employment in Poland differs from one field to another and one sector ( private/ public) to another. Polish work life is known for the various requirements of each field. In the public sector, employees have more benefits than the private one. They have more entitled paid leaves and an estimated weekly working hours that shouldn’t overpass 40 hours a week. Some sectors are less practical and provide a comfortable routine while others require concentration, transport, and constant changes. When you understand the demands of your chosen career, you can get adapted to the changes. You can also understand the salary differences and the potential benefits that exist in some professions. Take a look at; Learn The Truth About Career Development In The Next 60 Seconds.

2. Work on your Personality:

 Work life is not independent from your personal attitude. This situation is valid when you are applying for a job. Many recruiters are looking for applicants with certain personal traits that make them balance between the personal and the professional life. If you want to succeed in your work life, try to take certain measures such as a skills assessment. This option will help you learn more about yourself. Polish work life is also competitive. That’s why you need to know how to better progress in your career. Skills assessment is also a great way to discover your own abilities. The objective is to know your strengths and weaknesses in order to make the right career choices.

3.Learn how to Plan:

Even if your work life is repetitive or based on the same tasks, you should know how to plan. This tip will help you decide about career development strategies or change. Some employees may not lead a successful work life due to the lack of planning skills. There would be no point in proceeding in the same position by giving yourself a fixed salary. The objective of planning  is to use the reviews and observations to establish a real work life plan. It should be a plan for a better career or better professional tips.

4. Prioritize Communication with your Teams/Hierarchy

prioritize and plan

Communication is also a very important aspect in work life. It happens that certain problems in the work environment arise due to the lack of communication between the various employees. It is therefore essential to maintain good ties with your colleagues and managers and to discuss with them the tasks. Communication in work life also involves listening to the new assignments. Sometimes solving problems is granted through communication. By paying more attention to yourself and your situation, it becomes easier to find better communication strategies. Communication enables you to understand the corporate culture, know how to reach better solutions and express new ideas that develop your work. If there are disagreements, only communication can help you overcome them for your professional development.

5. Change your Career

Sometimes the best thing to do is to change your career. If the current one is not the right one, there is no need to stay there any longer. There are better options and high-paying jobs  in Poland that match your skills. To be successful in your professional life, it is essential that the chosen job is comfortable so that there is a certain continuity and productivity. Training is very important in the professional world. This is the best way to learn new skills in several different areas. It is essential to have several options to guarantee the new job. You cannot dismiss or resign without having any chance in your potential application. Inform your interviewers that you are currently working to consider that your application is under a career change plan.

These were the top five tips for a successful work life in Poland. If your professional life is complicated, consider these few tips before your transition towards another job.


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