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  • How Many Written Warnings Do You Get Before Dismissal in Canada

How Many Written Warnings Do You Get Before Dismissal in Canada

Have you tried all the negotiation tips with your employee, and you have reached no point? Have you failed at bringing your employees into discipline after several attempts? Don't worry; there is always a professional way to end everything. How many warnings should you give before taking the dismissal decision? Let's find out.

Consequences of Employee's Misconduct at the Workplace:

professional warnings in Canada

Terminating an employee is a tough decision. An employee is part of the professional puzzle. If this piece is removed, the work will be incomplete. That's why employers in Canada should not lose time in opening a new job candidacy and select employees who can fill the vacuum and help during the application of a new hire. Take a look at;   Employee Hiring Process in Canada.

Dismissing a long-term employee is a very hard decision, especially when this employee is not holding an entry-level position. Since many employers are wondering about the right time to terminate an employee. The execution of this process requires several steps:

1.Consulting managers:

Employers, who are not in direct contact with the terminating employee, should open the subject with managers concerned with the evaluation, training, suspension, leave requests, delays, and all. This step includes:

2. Discussing the dismissal: 

This involves voting for the departure or the stay of the employee. In case of equal votes, employers will send a final warning to the employee. The subsequent dismissal will not involve a voting session, and it will be an automatic operation.

3.Planning the dismissal operation: 

In case of voting for the dismissal, employers and managers will prepare their final feedback, final payment, and request restoring specific tools or equipment, badges also, to finalize the employee's departure.


Before putting the dismissal into action, employers will gradually inform about their intentions to terminate the employee. So they will start progressively warning the employee. This stage includes:

  • Verbal warnings: Employers will inform the concerned employee about their dissatisfaction with some behaviors, misconduct, and performance. The warning will also include the upcoming procedures in case of not adapting to the disciplinary process.
  • Written warning: if verbal warnings were not adequate, it's time to employ a documented way to implement the professional warning. Written warnings are a type of written reproaches, including the shift towards termination. 

How many Warnings should Employers Send? 

disciplinary action and dismissal

Since many are curious about the number of warnings and when an employer should terminate the employee. The types of write-ups an employer should prepare before termination depends on many factors!

1.The organization's work policies:

Some professional fields will not tolerate the employee's misconduct, as they already set the do and don't in the contract. According to the arrangements listed in a work contract, employees will understand that termination is linked to specific ways of violating the policies. Once these violations took place, they will be directly fired.

2. Failed Progressive discipline:

If the employer instructed a discipline program facing rejection or failure, the next step would be a dismissal notice. The warning will be written and conditioned by the disciplinary program. Employees should keep in mind that a disciplinary process is already a warning to either fix their incompetence, misconduct, or attitude or leave the job not to meet the expectations. How Long Does an Employer Have to Discipline You? Let's find out.

3. Receiving complaints from customers, visitors, or any parties dealing with the organization:

Each employee has specific missions and responsibilities in every organization, which are linked to beneficiary customers or any other corporate firms or organizations. Employers might receive bad reviews, complaints, and even fines related to retaliation for damages. In this case, employers will fire those who are behind the complaints. 

Since written warnings are part of the disciplinary disclaimer, here is how to write a warning listed in a disciplinary action notice 

1.Start by highlighting the policy:

A disciplinary action policy includes a policy overview to remind employees of the rules. Example:

Our company is founded under a set of terms and conditions. For many years, we have been working to earn the clients' trust and meet their satisfaction. That's why we don't tolerate the following:

  1. Delays
  2. Complaints
  3.  Misconduct

Any violation of the terms listed above will lead to dismissal. Here is how to download a disciplinary action form.

2. Signing a write-up:

Employers document their warnings by requiring the employee's signature on a write-up. This write-up includes a pledge for not violating the company's policies and accepting the fact of being fired for any reason.

4. Penalties and loss of benefits.

penalties and loss of benefits

A warning is not only revolving around departure. It also outlines the penalties and the suspension procedures that employees are charged with not fixing the damages. Employers determine the penalties and the consequences of the employee's misconduct to grant a fair termination process. Penalties depend on the harm caused by the employee. They can be fines, loss of specific benefits, and dismissal.

5. Dismissal

A write-up can include bad news; termination! Some employers will deliver this message to the employee who is not meeting the requirements and crossing the rules. The dismissal should also be approved by managers and signed by many supervisors to highlight a fair evaluation and decision.

This was all about writing a warning to terminate an employee in Canada. There are many reasons behind dismissing an employee. Whatever is the reason, employers should rely on fairways to structure this decision. Employees, on the other hand, can oppose the dismissal warning and ask for investigating the purpose.


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