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  • How to Ask for a Job Even Without Asking for it? Try 5 Methods

How to Ask for a Job Even Without Asking for it? Try 5 Methods

Job search is a hectic process; it involves a lot of steps, such as checking the ads, writing a cover letter, sending an applicant, and then waiting for a response. You can cut-short the whole process by knowing how to ask for a job even without asking for it.


Do you want to learn this trick? Well, you need to know how to do it. For this purpose, you should have to transform into a networker. Build and grow a network that will help you land on a job you always wanted.


Learn the art of networking and always follow the cool networking tips. Such learning will let you skip some time-consuming steps of job search and get an interview call right-away. I mean, not writing a cover letter or spending tons of hours in those career fair follow-up emails that will be lost in cyberspace.


How to Ask for a Job Without Asking for it? Try 5 Cool Ways

Here is what you should do for landing on a job interview as quickly as possible.


Method No.1 Don’t Ask for Opportunities, Ask for Advice


People often overlook the importance of an informational interview. They think it’s nothing but a waste of time. However, it’s the most crucial aspect that helps you land on a job you always deserve or dream for.


When you plan an informational interview with a headhunter or person-of-interest, then make sure you ask him to give you advice. Here is how you are going to ask for a job without asking for it.


How can I make My Resume more attractive?


How can I turn out to be the best Candidate?


What are the characteristics of the best-fit employee in your company?


Once you get those answers, you can not only work on all those to groom your resume and yourself, but also it will begin a conversation that will typically end up with a reference or interview call.


Method No.2 Ask For Recommendation, Step into Their Network


Another way to make the most of an informational job interview is to get some recommendations from the person who has jobs in his pockets. You can ask him, do you know a company or agency who is seeking a candidate like me. 


Okay, maybe you don’t get a recommendation at first, but the way you ask about it will remain in the mind of the recruiter or manager. He will keep your information in mind, and when next time someone from another company or even his own company will need a person, you come to his mind immediately.


Method No.3 Send a Letter in the Company Mail


Did you attend a conference where the company’s spokesperson has just shared something amazing? It’s time to write a letter by hand or type it. In that letter, you will show your appreciation and gratitude in the first paragraph.


In the second paragraph, you will show interest in a company position but not directly. And lastly, you will share your contact details.


A physical letter (hand-written or computer-typed) proved very influential when you send it by mail. It will land on the desk of a hiring manager or recruiter. He will open it up and keep it saved in the document.  


On the other hand, sending an email with the same thing has slim chances of opening or even taking care of like a physical mail.


The purpose of this letter is to get some attention by showing interest in their company. This attention will pay you later when that company has an opening position, and the manager will give you an interview call to show courtesy from his side. It is how to ask for a job without asking for it.


Method No.4 Ask Question in Conference


Do you take an interest in the company? Want to get hired by it? You need to get ready to do more than any other candidate. Make sure you stand out from the crowd. I know you will ask how? I am going to explain it a bit.


Follow the company’s newsletter. If there is a big event or conference arranged by a company, then be there. When the person-of-interest talks and invites questions from the audience, then it’s your time to show your sparkle.


Tips for Creating an Awesome Company Newsletter


In other words, ask some questions that are interesting and informational. It must show that person that you study the company takes an interest in some specific position, and you are an intellectual guy ready to learn.


The company will notify you; the next thing is to knock at the door by connecting on LinkedIn with a recruiter or hiring manager. Know how to find a recruiter on LinkedIn Step-by-Step.

Method No.5 Go and Meet in-Person


When every other person is applying for a job online, you can go to the next level. Show-up at the doorstep of the company, dress-up professionally, and walk inside the door. If possible, go to the conference room and have an informational meeting with the headhunter.


Spell your magic on the recruiter. Be confident in your conversation. Through your posture and gesture, you can tell a lot about the person you are. Even when you guys don’t talk, you will leave a subtle impression- which will count during your interview.


Wrap up

Now you know about five ways to ask for a Job even Without asking for it. The simple formula here is to take some more steps, go beyond just writing a cover letter and doing a job search. Do you want extra? Go and put some more effort into your professional network growth and building.


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