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  • How to Balance Work and Life as a Mother

How to Balance Work and Life as a Mother

Mothers are now heavily involved in many professional areas of work. The commitment to full-time work may often lead to guilt and stress, as a working woman is always split between home and work. Therefore, this article offers the best tips that help working women to reconcile between home and work. Let's get started.

1.Get Rid of Postponing:

We all postpone some tasks to later resolutions. Some people neglect or forget a postponed appointment to the dentist or to meet some family members, making them miss essential appointments and postponing to irrelevant dates. The solution is good planning and organization: set a reminder in your phone and use a calendar to circle some critical dates. If your commitments will affect your work, take a leave or arrange with your employer about retaking some absences into extra working hours at weekends.

2.Never Feel Guilty:

never feel guilty

If you are at work, don't try to think definitively that you have abandoned your child to go to work. It would help if you instead made your thoughts go more positive. Be aware that many mothers have preceded you in balancing success at work and life. This lies mainly in setting your priorities, which differ at different stages of life. Always remember that you are not solely responsible for looking after your family. Your husband has an essential and significant role in sharing with you in family tasks. That's why he can request parental leave for kids' matters.

3. Find a Good Nanny:

Nowadays, some websites suggest babysitting services. As a working mom, you can meet with the nursery administrators and arrange the type of services you are looking for. Depending on your financial situation, you can choose between taking your kids to a nursery school or hire a stay-in nanny. You can find your requirements online, and you can go by yourself and see the nursery school teachers, the open playgrounds, and professional childcare employees.

4. Use a Checklist App:

Mobile applications are a very handful in making the tasks less stressful and easy. When you start your work, try to use some mobile apps that motivate you to be more productive and arranged. Make a 30 min task challenge. The most classic organizational item is a calendar. So do not miss some family events such as school events, billing dues, family events, etc. You inform your employer about these events and write an authorization letter to suggest another colleague to replace you during your absence.

5. Change your Schedule from Full-time to Part-time

You can always negotiate for the right working conditions, in terms of attendance and departure times, as well as delivery dates. All these negotiations can be part of your work agreement from the contract. Always provide alternative solutions for emergencies and take advantage of others' expertise to get as many facilities available at your workplace. In the case of maternity leave, always make sure you have time as paid leave, as well as the possibility of extending it as unpaid leave. You may also read; Part-time vs Full-time Employees

6. Keep in Touch with your Children during your Work Break:

keep in touch with your kids

Your coffee/lunch break is an occasion to keep in touch with your family. You can always check on your child while in the nursery, and you can also send him recorded video messages. It would help if you did not phone your child teachers, as it will be very annoying and exaggerated. You can only contact teachers for an emergency or for being late. You can also prepare your child for the idea of being late for work since morning, and inform your child not to go with strangers and keep waiting for you.

7.Avoid Wasting Time:

Time is very precious. Be organized, don't spend too much time making calls, scan to email and social media. Reduce any source of distraction, and spend most of your time at home with your children and your husband. At work as well, focus your attention on getting the job done, so you don't have to delay your children. Arrange private family activities: Make breakfast and dinner special dates for family gatherings. Don't mind some shared activities in the evening, such as home games or watching a movie or a particular show. You can also customize the weekend to go out and have a good time with your family.

9. Teach your Kids to be Self-sufficient:

teach yourkids how to be self-sufficient

Don't raise your kids on laziness. Teach them that they should be helpful and not leave their toys scattered everywhere. Make rewards for the child who sticks to the rules and does good things. Resort to some punishments if your kids are stubborn and naughty. How to Focus on Career After Marriage (Women Guide)

10. Quit your Job:

If you are not comfortable with your job and your manager is refusing multiple leave requests and not tolerating your absence, quit your job. This decision might be difficult. But, if your job will make you suffer and affect your role in the family, you can quit your job. Take advantage of your professional gap to raise your children. Once your children are becoming more responsible, you can look for another job. You can visit Fratres in your upcoming job search and benefit from the career advice tips of helping professionals get a job after a career gap. Here is How to Get Back to Work After Career Break? Follow 8 Steps 

These were the best 10 for working mothers in making balance at life and work.



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