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How to be More Productive at Work? Follow 10 Easy Tips

Are you thinking of performing well on your job? It's a good thing because if you are thinking about how to be more productive at work, then you are on the right track of your career success. A lot of people don't even think about how they can stay productive in the workplace. They are just going to the office and keep following the schedule. 

What does Productive Mean at work?

Before I tell you some ways that would offer an instant boost in your performance level, you need to understand what productivity is in the workplace.

It means your ability to handle more tasks in a day. When you complete all your assigned tasks quickly, then it means you are performing well. It is that simple.

However, it doesn't mean to become a machine and complete tasks of a full week in 2-3 days. The idea here is to work smart, not hard.

How to be Productive at Work Tips

Here are 10 easy tips that let you show excellent performance and win "Employee of the Year Award."

Tip No.1 Never Multi-task

If you are a person who is checking email, responding to colleagues, and handing a report at the same time, then you are not productive at all. Psychology says that when a person does multitasking, then he is not able to focus on one task entirely. As a result, his performance level drops down. Is this what you want? Of course not.

Things to Do:

  •  Pick one task, complete it, and then move to another. Simple and easy.

  • Don't listen to music while you are making a report or handing an office task. It will distract you and also become a cause of error and mistake.

Tip No.2 Avoid Distractions

In this digital world, the major distraction is social media. Trust me, and if you care less about other people's comments on posts and followers on your social profile, you can be more SUCCESSFUL than an Influencer. 

Things to DO:

how to stay productive at work

Tip No.3 Plan your All-Day Work 

As soon as you enter your office, extensive to-do list and start adding tasks one by one. This list will not let you deviate from your track. You can use Google Calendar for effective workplace burden management.

Tip No.4 Take Frequent Breaks 

Remember, you are a human being who needs rest. Sometimes, when you spend hours and hours on the computer, then you feel like an eye strain condition. It feels hard to continue. So, take a frequent work break. In that break, you can do some exercises, stretch your muscles. It's one of the best tips to follow if you want to know how to be more productive at work.

Things to Do:

  • Put your eyes, mind, and body at rest for some time.

  • Done with a task, don't start another. Take at least a 10-minute break.

  • You can listen to a song during that break to fresh up your mood.

Tip No.5 Limit Notifications

It is a fact that people can't resist checking an email or message as soon as they get a notification. The minute you check your email or open your inbox, it's when you lose your focus, and you don't even know about this loss until you have wasted an hour. 

Things to do:

  • Just turn on the most-important notifications (work-related)

  • Turn off notifications from your personal messages, Whatsapp, and social media

Tip No.6 Understand the Power of Delegating

You can't be good at everything, and when other people are around, then there is no need to lift the burden on your own. A common problem with managers and leaders is that they don't delegate. 

They don't understand the fact that delegating can make their job easier and offer a boost in their performance. By delegating smaller tasks to your colleagues, you end up with a few big tasks that you can handle efficiently.Check 7 Reasons to Delegate tasks at work.

Tip No.7 Properly Plan your Phone Calls

A reason for lower productivity at work is that employees spend more time taking calls and less time working on a given task. You can handle this problem easily by accurately planning your phone call.

Things to do:

  • Put your phone on silent mode, if you are not expecting an urgent call.

  • When a given task doesn't require full attention, then you can respond to a call.

  • In your to-do list, decide on a structured time for your call. Like you can take a call in the afternoon and only in the morning.

Tip No.8  Be Positive and Optimistic

It would help if you saw good in everything around. If you are unhappy about your life or job aspect, you won't be able to be more productive at work. Don't you like a job? Leave your job and find your dream job that makes you happy and where you can perform very well.

Tip No.9 Take a Good Night Sleep

how to be productive tips

One of the best tips to be more productive at work is to take good care of yourself and follow an 8-9 hour sleep regime. You won't be able to stay focused at work when you are unable to sleep well. If you have some sleeping problems, then find a way to solve them.

Tip No.10 Don't Chase Perfection

The biggest problem with employees these days is that they want to be perfect. It's time to tell you that nothing is perfect. As soon as you complete one task, don't spend too much time making everything perfect and at its best angle. If you do this, you are merely wasting your time. Stop being too perfect to not be productive at work. 


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