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How to Deal with Difficult Colleagues ?

The types of colleagues in the work environment are different from one place to another. There are those who like to remain sociable and make friends outside the framework, others who do not care about friendship at work, as achieving professional success is their primary goal. This category belongs to the difficult people, where dealing with them is a big challenge. In order to improve your professional ties, here is an article on how to deal with difficult people at work.

Types of Difficult Coworkers:

types of difficult coworkers

Of course, you are not working with robots. Each employee has a different personality and a different way in dealing with others.  Some people find it is hard to be friendly with them. Here are some signs of the difficult person.

The Silent Employee:

A silent person is already a box of secrets. When someone gives you the silent treatment, it means that this person doesn’t care for your existence. Sometimes it is rude when you feel ignored at work and when you feel that your colleague treats you as an invisible being. The solution to this type is to do the same. You don’t have to do a lot of efforts to impress someone who ignores you. Just be silent and try to deal with someone who is more welcoming and open. Friends in Workplace - Do and Don'ts of Partying with Coworkers

The Threatening Employee:

It is not comfortable when you work with someone but makes you feel that you work for him/ her. The person who always threatens to fire you, writing on you, decreasing your salary is very mean. It is difficult to become friends with someone, who waits for the slightest mistake to kick you out. You need to do something here. If your job makes you feel that you live under the mercy of someone, you better quit this job or face this person and inform managers about these excessive threats.

The Very Proud Employee:

Some people are fond of trying to show their professional superiority. This undoubtedly irritates you and your colleagues. If you are one of those who attribute thanks to themselves ignoring or forgetting the role of others, make sure that you will be hated. Employees will not appreciate people who are in constant mention of all their advantages and achievements even when talking about other people's achievements. This is not a sign of success. As a result, these people are very avoided and it is difficult to discuss any topic with them.

The Stubborn Employee:

Some people are prone to making mistakes like the rest of colleagues, but they do not admit them. It is difficult to deal with people who don’t take responsibility for what they did and blame others instead. This will make you uncomfortable with this type of coworker. You should be very cautious in dealing with them, as they might put you in a troubling situation. Why My Coworkers Don’t Like me? Know 5 Reasons

The Irresponsible Employee:

irresponsible employees

Lazy people are available at the workplace. They are known for their multiple delays, the permanent neglect and irresponsibility towards work times, meetings or even the office equipment will make you like to avoid this person, as you could be involved also in this irresponsible behavior. You better avoid and give a truthful review about this person, if you were investigated by your employer. Do not cover this person or lie for him/ her. Be objective and tell what you know and what you have seen.

These were the different difficult coworkers that you may find at work. Some of them are mean, irresponsible, stubborn and that’s why you need to be cautious in making friends with your coworkers.

How to Deal with Mean Coworkers?

There are difficult personalities at work. That’s why you should avoid troubles and problems with the mentioned types. Here are some tips to avoid toxic colleagues who undermine you.

Stop Complaining:

Anyone has the right to complain about work. Work is often difficult and requires sacrifice. But, no one likes to be around someone, who spreads negativity all the time and doesn't stop complaining. So, try not to complain, criticize the job conditions everytime you find people around you, as this will bring you additional troubles in the future.How to Write up an Employee - 4 Easy Steps to Follow

Do not discuss with Stubborn and Selfish People:

avoid troubles

Don’t put yourself in endless discussion with selfish and stubborn people, you better give them the silent treatment and avoid dealing with them. I know it seems rude, but these people are not your friends. If you try to make them your friend they will dominate you and control you at work. For more details, read; What is Workplace Bullying: Meaning, Examples, Effects and Handling Tactics

Never Strive to Impress Anyone:

This is the best way to avoid mea coworkers. You should not tie your professional goals to employees, as some of them might not deserve your friendship and your trust. If you try to impress any of these coworkers, you will lose confidence in your abilities and you feel down most of the time. Make sure that the majority of your colleagues are not your friends. So don’t give them too much space in your life. You may also read, How Procrastination is Holding you Back in Your Career

Never Give them the Occasion to Fight with You:

Don’t be a trouble maker. Avoid people who gossip or play with your nerves. Be punctual and do not cross the workplace rules. Be organized and take good care of your office. As you know there is a worldwide pandemic disease, so be very distant from people. Wear your face mask and sanitize your hands and the office items.

These were the different types of negative coworkers, where it is difficult to deal with them. It is good to be sociable and develop a professional network. But, the essential advice is to choose the right person.



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