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How to Evaluate Your Job Offer in Dubai?

Congratulations on getting a job offer. Dubai is a competitive market, and getting an offer means you have done a good job in your first and second interviews.

Your job offer is a one-page content that highlights your job duties and salary. Once you have this offer, you need to evaluate it from many different angles.

Factors to Consider while Evaluating Dubai Job Offer

Here are some points you should consider while deciding whether to accept an offer or not. 


The first most important factor is what you have offered in terms of salary from your employer. Whether you accept it or not, your salary is the motivating factor. It keeps you engaged in the job. 

Some companies offer a basic salary plus performance-based pay. Your basic salary is almost 70 to 80 percent of your total pay. 

One thing that will impact your salary is your skill-set, experience, and nationality. People from western countries can expect more pay than job seekers from Asian countries. 


Company needs to cover the Dubai health insurance of its employees. Every company in Dubai offers some employee benefits. It's a significant advantage one can get. 

employee benefits how to evaluate job offer Dubai

Accommodation benefits 

Almost 10 percent of total pay is accommodation benefits. Employers pay employees to cover their house rent. In other scenarios, employers offer free housing to employees. Another benefit that covers ten percent of total pay is transportation expenses. 


An alternative to this benefit is when an employer gives a car to his employee. You should know that obtaining a driving license in Dubai is a lengthy process. Unless you have obtained a license from a renowned country, getting it in Dubai will be more like a challenge.

Flight Ticket

Another benefit that a company offers to its employees is giving a flight ticket. Every employee wants to visit his home country once. So, many companies give him a flight ticket. 

Educational Allowance

Educational Allowance is a rare benefit that only a multi-national company can offer you. In that case, the company will cover the educational expenses of your school-going kids. Again, you can expect this benefit only from renowned or well-reputed Dubai companies.

How to Evaluate a Job Offer?


Here are some points you need to consider while evaluating your job offer.

Job Roles

In your job offer, the employer will mention contract details. You must know all about your top management, what roles to perform on the job. Also, you must know about the probationary period. Some employers review performance for almost six months to make a temporary offer permanent, while other employers take less than four weeks. It generally depends on company size and culture.  Dig into Most in-Demand Dubai Jobs


Where the company is located and where you need to work is another factor to consider. If a company doesn't offer a transport facility or car, you can't put yourself in trouble by accepting an offer from a far-off location. Changing public transport won't be a great experience and will affect your productivity. 

Work Hours

You must be clear about working hours and days so that you have a clear picture of what's expected from you. It's vital to know whether a company requires a night shift or overtime from you. Also, ask about annual leave Dubai and weekend scenarios.

Company culture 

Before you join a company, you should explore some details about company culture. For this purpose, you better check details on social media and dig into reviews of Glassdoor. Also, check details of commonly spoken language. If you are a Pakistani national and the company doesn't support you much, it will be difficult for you to fit in this culture.

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Brand Reputation

You need to be a part of a company that looks good on your portfolio. Even when a company offers you less money but it is well-reputed. Trust me; it's a good career start. When you are a part of an established country, you can grow your career by expanding your network in a stable and established company. 

Role progression

You can't stay on one job role forever. Try to land in a position that has your progress over time. You must gather vital details about your career progression. There must be some performance benchmark that you need to clear for getting a job promotion.

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Termination restrictions

No matter how well you evaluate a job offer, sometimes it becomes hard to stay on this job. So, before you sign an employment contract, please try to know about termination restrictions. Some companies require you to work for some minimum period like years or months before switching jobs. Other companies are from the free zone and let you switch jobs anytime you like. When a company isn't from the free zone or mainland Dubai, you must get the employer's consent before accepting another job offer. 

employment contract

Wrap Up

When you get a job offer in Dubai, you should consider all these factors and then decide whether this particular offer is right for your career development or not.


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