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How to Handle Job Rejection in the Best Way

You work day and night for an interview preparation; you spend hours and hours preparing the common interview questions and answers, and after you are waiting for an appointment call or second interview, you end up with a job rejection phone call or email. 

It is awful. 

It's so frustrating.

Sometimes, you burst into tears. 

You start thinking about why I was rejected for a job I was perfect for. 

If that's the situation you are in, it's time to know how to accept job rejection.

It's okay to CRY

If you feel like crying, then go ahead and cry. It happens not with just you but also with all those people who are trying so hard. However, they are not landing at a place they always wanted to. In worst cases, they have entered into the job search depression phase.

So, what you can do for your wellness is to cry and then to accept the rejection. If you don't cry, then you won't be able to see things clearly. You are feeling stomach ache, so the best relief possible is to let your emotions come out in the form of water.

Tell Yourself: I'm Not Alone

The second thing to do is to tell yourself that you are not alone in this. Tons of other people all over the world are facing it. They are doing days of research and preparation but still unable to find a dream job. So, it's okay. 

how to accept job rejection

Try Getting Closure from Hiring Manager

In case you think that you have done your best and you are the only one who deserves the job because of your skills and experience, then you can ask the hiring manager "Where things went wrong." 

In some cases, you get some response. But even when you don't get a response, then you should try to make peace with the fact that they might have to make a hard choice between you and your bro-who got the same skill set and experience.

Tell yourself: I’m Better Than Others

Do you know how many people apply for a job and don't even get an interview call or response? Trust me, there are thousands of people. Just go and check-in groups where people are so desperate about getting the call for an interview. So, if you have done with your first or second interview, then pat yourself in the back, "You went to a high-point while many couldn't make it." Feel proud. 

What to Do After Job Rejection

Here are some things you must have to do after job rejection.

Bring Positivity Back 

As soon as you receive a rejection call offer, you will experience an attack of negativity. You won't be able to overcome it right away. It will take some time. However, if you want to replace negativity with positivity quickly, then you should take a break from your job search and plan a hangout with your friends.

handle job rejection tips methods

Try doing some exercises that keep your mind engaged and busy, so you don't think much about negative aspects. 

Promise Yourself : I will Do Better

There is always some room for improvement. So, if you haven't hit the target, then you need to change your target methodology. In simple words, you need to do better. It means to bring some improvements not only in your cover letter but also in your CV.

Say Hello to New Experience and Skills

If your job rejection is bothering you too much and you are thinking like you are not "Good-enough" then instead of thinking all about it. Go ahead and do something about it. Don't have the experience, gain it. Don't have skills? Enroll in your industry-related courses and learn something new. When you know some new skills and experience, you will build your self-confidence. So, you can do better in your field with this confidence.

Never Give-up

Job rejection is part of the job search process. Remember, some good things are worth waiting for. If you are not getting what you deserved, then you will get what you deserve, sooner or later. Just trust your faith and don't give up on job search. You can try some useful job search strategies.

Learn from Your Rejection

It is a must to learn from your job rejection. You might have done something wrong. May be your CV wasn't well-formatted; possibly, you forgot to update your cover letter; you might answer a common interview question in a wrong way; it could be any mistake.

How to learn from mistake

Remember, you are human beings who are used to mistakes. Now you need to start playing the whole process of your job search from application to interview and try to highlight your mistakes. Once you know what mistakes you have made, you can quickly correct them.

Wrap up

It's always hard to handle job rejection, but you need to recover from it as fast as possible. No need to feel bad about yourself or your skills. Keep in mind that you are a warrior who needs to keep fighting until he wins a battle. In the working world, you need to keep fighting with your negativity until your positivity comes back, and you get a job you deserve.

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