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How to Know It’s Time to Leave Your Current Job? 8 Warning Signs

Don’t have any interest in the Job? Don’t like to go back to the office? If these are some situations, you are facing. Then it’s time to leave your job. I know it is hard to quit your job because you have a lot of expenses you need to meet.

We all got some life responsibilities and expenses. A job offers us life security. We know that at the end of every month, we will get some funds through which we can easily hand our daily living expenses.

People don’t quit their job even when they don’t like it because they don’t want to start a circle when they need to search for a new job, submit job applications, go for interviewers, and other tough things.

It might seem challenging to start over or change your career, especially in midlife, but it is a must. You go to work you don’t like, that means spending most of your time at a place where you don’t want to be. You don’t get excited about a job promotion or new tasks. You don’t enjoy it because it’s nothing but a burden.

In the long term, this kind of Job will exhaust you and cost you peace of mind.

8 Signs That You Should Quit Your Job 

Here are some signs of moving on from your current job. 

Sign #1 You Pay less attention to your Job

In an office, if you spend most of your time on your social media posts updates or checking and less on your job, then it’s an alarming sign. You are not happy about the task you get. If it doesn’t make you excited to accomplish anything related to a project, then it’s the right time to think about it.

The fact is that most of us don’t like a part of our Job because we have to get up early and do work. However, when this dislike is an extreme level, and you always keep watching your clock that it ticks 6’o clock and you can get back to home, then you should consider another job.

Sign #2 You Think You are not at the right place

Do you have that unstoppable urge and feeling that you are not in the right workplace? You know all your strengths and think that you can do better at another job. If all time you feel that your performance is below standard and if you are a manager or leader, then it will bring the most of you, then probably it’s the right time to leave your current Job; and start working for another one.

Sign #3 You see no Growth in your career

We all try to step up higher in our career ladder. However, many jobs don’t bring pay-rise, perks, and bonuses. At that time, your self-motivation for the Job drops down. You feel like you are stuck in a job that doesn’t take you anywhere, even after spending many years on it.  

Many employees are unhappy about a job because no promotion or recognition is coming their way. Employers should know how to increase employee satisfaction through training, bonus, and development. However, when your employer doesn’t care all about that, and he wants to do a job with no challenge, then it is your right time to start thinking about leaving your current job and starting a new one.

Sign #4 You are working in a Toxic Workplace

The most unfortunate situation is when you like your job, but you can’t excel at it due to the toxic work environment. Your boss is too bossy to let you celebrate any win your team gets. You feel no work loyalty and associations. It’s always like someone is plotting against you.

The fact is that no matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to thrive in a toxic environment. Handling workplace politics requires a lot of energy that you can rather use somewhere else. A healthy and enjoyable work environment is an integral part of a job. So, when you think that your workplace is too much, you need to move on from your current job.

Sign #5 You don’t work to go back to work

Every Monday, most of us are a bit lazy and don’t want to start a new week. It’s healthy; we all do that. However, when you have this feeling every other day, then it’s the warning sign you shouldn’t overlook.  

You don’t want to go back to work. Either you hate your Job or merely the workplace. In either case, you should make a big decision to walk away from a job that doesn’t bring anything good in your life.

Sign #6 You bring Lot of Negative Energy at Home

Some workdays are good, while others are tough. After doing a lot of work in the office, we want relaxation at home. It is okay to have a lousy moon sometime. 

However, when you always take negative energy from office to home, it doesn’t turn out in your favor. Most probably, your job dissatisfaction is adversely affecting your quality of life. Sooner or later, it will change your marriage life. So, it would be best if you tried to avoid that personal dilemma by starting considering the latest job opportunities in Pakistan 2020.


Sign #7 You are always on the Hunt for new Job

When a person is unhappy about the current Job, its pay, or related aspect, he usually searches a lot about other job opportunities. We all do it sometime, but when it’s like most of the time, then it’s a red signal you can’t ignore.

Sign #8 You are feeling physically unhealthy

A person who is not satisfied with his Job always thinks of the best ways to get it out. No matter how much money he gets from it, in the end, he can’t overlook his dissatisfaction. This unhappiness adversely impacts mental and physical well-being. Remember, anything that costs you, Your Peace of mind and happiness is an expensive deal.

Also, Health is Wealth. No need to make a compromise on your mental and physical health. If your Job is bothering you that much, why are you staying in that situation? Get out of it. Write a resignation letter and quit your job. Search for new jobs in Pakistan that are well-paying and make you feel happy about yourself.

Move On from Your Current Job and Start a New One

I know it is hard to start over, but this is a must-to-do thing. I’m sharing some common interview questions with answers, just in case you apply for a job and get your interview call. You can learn to write the best cover letter by following best tips

During your job interview, the hiring manager will ask you, “Why did you quit your job,” I created a guide on how to address that question smartly. Also, don’t forget to check some Good and Bad Reasons to Quit a job, so when the need arises, you are entirely prepared to come up with only a good reason.

Wrap up

I have shared a few signs that are red-alerts. Please pay attention to them because they tell you it’s time to leave your job. Not paying enough attention to them or simply ignoring them doesn’t bring anything good in your life. Be mindful and do what is best for you in the long term.


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