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How to Prevent Workplace Bullying in New Zealand?

It is common to have disagreements with colleagues. Each person has a different personality, way of thinking, and sensibility rate. Can these differences lead to conflicts? Yes, there is no such thing as a perfect workplace. Troubles happen with colleagues, managers, and even with clients or customers. Is this toxic environment part of your work life? Do you want to put an end to these conflicts, but you don’t know how? Take a look at this article to save your career.

Why Do Conflicts Happen?

why do conflicts happen

Before raising accusing fingers towards people and circumstances, it’s good to deal with the problem roots and avoid them. For more tips to improve your work life, sign up to Fratres. You should dig in the past and in your relationship with colleagues to understand what makes them cruel to you? The source of troubles can be various. Let’s list some of them.


Yes! As you have clearly heard, envy. When you advance in your career and get the opportunity to rise in rank, some people may not appreciate being way advanced from them. These envious colleagues will try to take you down by creating conflicts that will make you consider quitting your job. Follow your ambitions! Here Are  The Highest Paid Jobs in New Zealand?

2. Skill shortage:

Being incompetent will put you in trouble with colleagues and managers. No one will bear your repetitive mistakes, even if you didn’t do them on purpose. Therefore, try to develop your skill and prove that you deserve your position, or else you will be facing troubles at staying in your jobs and problems with completing your tasks, not to mention the underestimation you will get whenever you are going to apply for an internal candidate for a better job. Take a look at; Skill shortage list checker

3. Procrastination:

If you are the type of person who postpones things until their final delay, you will face troubles with colleagues. Some professional tasks will be harmed due to delays. For example, some colleagues will hate being associated with your 3rd quality work. Procrastination may reflect your lack of motivation, responsibility, and rivalry to compete for better opportunities. 

4. Bad attitude:

bad attitude at workplace

Some employees are stressed and this can be reflected in their behavior with others. This toxic attitude can lead to conflicts at work such as false accusations, not bearing the consequences of one's mistakes, making racist comments, not coping with diversity, seeking to trap others, etc...

These were the 4 most irritating sources of trouble in any workplace. Now, how can we deal with them? You can sign up to Fratres to get more information on how to prevent workplace bullying

1 Accepting others

Fixing troubles starts by accepting others. People are not identical copies of each other. It is totally impossible to change others the way you want and control the work environment by imposing unfair rules. Therefore, it’s essential to have sufficient flexibility and tolerance to deal positively with problems at work.


People who cannot forget and forgive will not grow in life. Creating troubles can be the favorite job of some co-workers. That’s why you should not provide the occasion for them to get what they want. If a slight disagreement occurs, try to avoid it by staying away from the source of trouble.

3. Limit your contacts:

Every professional sphere offers the opportunity to build a network. But, are all people worth your friendship? Would they get your back when you are in need? Would they offer a positive review about your previous experiences or just turn people off from you? Networking is indeed essential for your next career change, transition, or coaching. But, the more careful you will be, the better you will harvest at the end of your career.

4. Negotiate for a solution

One of the most sought-after skills in the professional world is problem-solving. You should have the ability to overcome problems and conflicts, be it with colleagues, external people, or tools and equipment. Negotiation is one of the ways to overcome difficulties. That is, you should put an effort to avoid blame, to seek better solutions that save the situation, to give friendly warning of not repeating the same issue. On the other hand, temper provides a sign to others to accumulate hatred towards you and to avoid hearing your instructions or your point of view.  7 Steps to Fixing Customer Service Issues

5. Have self-confidence:

When you look confident, no one will dare miss you! Be it a newbie employee or an experienced one, you should deal with co-workers in a confident way. Don’t show fear towards people at work. For example, you may have worries about your position for being misunderstood at work. But, they should not be associated with people, as some of them will take this fear as a way to manipulate you and underestimate you at work. Here is Increase your self-confidence to reap the benefits at work.

6. Do not be in a hurry:

Being in haste is always associated with regret. Taking fast decisions or doing work fast is a source of conflict. Some co-workers will not tolerate this fast rate and will not cope with your hurried performance. Being too quick means lack of focus on the tasks, which can lead to various conflicts. Even if you feel multi-talented or over-skilled, take your time. Some tasks require concentration, decision-making, and thinking.

7.Be a good listener

Lack of listening is part of many professional conflicts. Give your co-workers the occasion to express their point of view, as this could go a long way towards solving problems. It may also be useful to improve your communication skills with others, which will help you limit the false accusations and arguments that have nothing to do with the main problem.

8.Do not get involved!

do not get involved

Some people do not realize that interfering in a conflict with a colleague can worsen the situation. If you are not concerned with the problem, why are you getting involved? Even if you have a good sense of leadership, this doesn’t mean that you should lead the problem! Just try to be objective in your dealings with colleagues. Do not investigate or blame any part. Just leave concerned people to deal with each other.

9. Avoid gossip

Rumors and gossip are fueling workplace conflicts. These traits are one of the negative qualities that employers hate in hires. Gossiping is not a sign of bravery. It is rather a way to destroy a professional network. It will bring distrust, hatred, and negative impressions among some colleagues. Therefore, you must be careful not to fall into the trap of rumors and gossip that will bring you into toxic circles.

These were the reasons for bullying with co-workers, including the ways to avoid the most irritating bad habits that can accumulate bad experiences with people.


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