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How to Start a Career With No Experience? 4 Easy Steps to Follow

Are you at that point of your life when you have changed your career and don’t know how to start a new career? If that’s the case then this post is designed specifically for you. I’ll guide you how to start a career with no experience. Before I tell you about the ways to do that, let’s talk about the very first thing.
how to start a career with no experience

Don’t Panic, Just Work it Out

Making a career change in mid-life is a big step, and if you are doing this to find your dream career then you are going on the right path. You have given yourself a challenge. The most difficult part of career is over, you are done with a career shift.

There is nothing more challenging coming your way. In your last career, you had a job with responsibility and task. You did a search for it and got it. The same steps you will have to follow here.

So, if your no-experience is holding you back to kickstart a different career then stop it and start working out for yourself. Take it all easy.

Gain Some  Experience

If the fact of having no-experience is bothering you that much then you can get some experience. It’s not that hard. You can get a paid internship or volunteer in your field. It might take some time but you will gain experience. Thereby, you will resume your self-esteem at the workplace. You won’t think anymore about having no field experience.

It’s the simplest way to do it.

Get Back to School

It might sound weird but it’s a must. 

  • Courses: For example, you can start your career in IT by signing up to 5 popular IT courses. These courses plus your education will work as the stars on your shoulder. You can use them and get a job even when you have no experience. 

  • Training: Keep in mind, whether you start a new career or stick with existing one learning period is never going to be over. You will learn new techniques on existing job. While as soon as you start your career, there are so many things that demand on-job training. So, get ready to learn new things that let you land on your dream career effortlessly. 

  • Books: Read books online and offline and try to understand every single concept related to a company you are interested in. There are tons of free books you can read about an industry and its particular sectors. Get them and give them a good read. You are able to have theoretical understanding that you can put into practice once you have a job in Pakistan.

  • Company newsletter: Subscribe to different company’s newsletter and keep your eyes on every latest happenings. In this way, you will have required knowledge of a field in which you are taking an entry. 

How to Start a Career with No Experience

Here are five steps to land on your new career.

no experience career how to start

Step No.1 Search for a job that require no experience

It’s not difficult at all, you have tons of job search engines available. Explore any or all of them and in just one day you would be able to have a good list of jobs with no experience. If you want to go anywhere, just explore the latest jobs opening in Pakistan at http://pk.fratres.net. This method of job search is quick and easy. You can set some job alerts too.

Check 5 Common jobs in Pakistan with No experience

Step No.2 Make Changes in your Cover Letter

Once you get a job description, the next thing to do is to edit your existing letter based on the requirements mentioned in your job ad.  Know what to say when you are writing a cover letter for job with no experience. Make sure your cover letter works like a magnet.

Step No. 3 CV and Profile Editing

Your previous CV has got details of your old career. As you are taking an entry into new career. It’s time to make a change. In your experience field, you can mention your courses, training, internship and volunteer experience. 

As far as skills are concerned, keep transferable skills on page. That means you can keep team player, time management, project management, problem solving, and similar skills. Don’t forget to add some new job related skills.

Another change you should make is in your LinkedIn profile. You should edit it in a very professional way.

Step No.4 Send your Application

Once your cover letter and CV is ready then all you have to do is to try your luck. Don’t think for a minute that you might fail or no one will consider you. It’s not how to start a career with no experience. The right way is to do it and then wait and watch.

It’s all you have to do, once you get an interview call then you should know how to prepare for your interview by going through common interview questions and answers and also to avoid common interview mistakes.

Wrap up

I shared some steps that guide you on how to start a new career with no experience. You should work on gaining some experience methods. Job experience increases your chances of hiring. But don’t hold yourself back just because you have no experience. There are tons of entry-level and junior-level jobs in Pakistan that require no experience but only a degree. So, go and try your luck.

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