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How to Win at Office Politics with 8 Useful Tips

Office politics is a part of every company, no matter how big and small it is. Whether you like it or not, you should have some handy tips that let you win at office politics. Instead of getting offensive when you become a victim of office politics, it’s better to play defensive and try to save you.

In almost every other organization, there are three main reasons for office politics:

  1. More money
  2. More prestige
  3. More Power

It’s okay to have a little competition in your workplace because it will help you grow and do better. However, when you are facing office politics, where more people are competing to get more visibility, then you should learn to step up for yourself. Whether you accept it or not, you are a part of that whole mind game. So, you either play it or lose it without doing anything.

How to Play Office Politics to Your Advantage

Here are office politics tips to keep in mind.

  1. Remain  as Neutral as possible

If someone says that Hassan is good, I think Fahad would become a good manager. Then instead of agreeing or disagreeing, you can tell I believe time will decide the real winner. In this way, you are a part of a conversation. 

You are not disagreeing with your peers because a disagreement will make them your enemy.

You do not agree with them, as you will start a new alliance with them. Later, whatever they will do, you will consider it as a partner. Whether you say or do something or not.

2. Try not to get involved in any Gossip

Make sure you are not a part of any office gossip. As soon as that gossip transforms into a big issue, then HR gets involves, and authorities call everyone who gives good or bad comments. Nip the evil in the bud. Don’t become a part of any gossip or office affair.

3. Don’t Talk Negative about anyone.

Many times, you make a mistake as an employee when you talk negatively about any other employee, manager, or boss. Even when another person is saying the same, you never know when someone uses that negative comment against you.

how to deal with office politics tips

You don’t know when your colleague changes his side and take the side of your enemy. When they search for any dirt to build a case against you, this negative-conversation will come and bite you for sure.

4. Be Professional in Office Party

During an office party, many of us appear in casual dressing and start a usual chit-chat. During a casual conversation, it happens that someone starts talking about a corporate scandal, and then we speak carelessly on it.

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This is where things go against us. A negative comment or opinion will make you look bad in the eyes of your superiors, even when you are just chit-chatting with your colleagues at a party. If you want to win at office politics, you should remain careful about your work.

Think before you speak. An office party is not the right place to blow off all your steam.

5. Don’t Trust Too Much

It’s okay to trust your colleagues and coworkers a bit. But never get blind by your trust in someone. People who believe too much in the office often find themselves in very unexpected situations. If you have some official secrets, keep them to yourself. Anything can be used against you.

I’m not saying to don’t trust at all; you can do that. But always play safe. Don’t share that information about you or your task that can work as your termination card.

If you feel like that, your company is not paying you well, or you are underpaid, then keep that sensitive information to you. Instead of sharing that matters to your colleagues, look for some signs that show you are underpaid at a job.

6. Try not to Criticize anyone

If you have a habit of criticizing others for the sake of bringing improvement in them, then you need to take full control of that habit. No one likes criticism, no matter how fair it is.

 If you are leading a team and team members are not doing well, then smartly criticize their performance. Instead of telling them you did that wrong, you don’t know anything about them says what we can do to make it better.

If your boss or manager is criticizing you even when you are doing your best. Don’t play defensive, say you will do better next time.

7. Be a Nice Employee Around

You will have to show only your right side in an office to win office politics. No matter how bad your colleague is or how unfair your boss is with you, it’s vital to remain kind to every person around you. Losing temperament or striking back will start a conflict whose end will hardly be in your favor, especially when you start a fight with your boss.

8. Show Others That You are Trustworthy

People will come to you and talk to you about the boss, managers, and other colleagues. Instead of using their remarks and gossip against them, you can keep them a secret. If they know they trust you; they will share everything with you. It’s a way of getting any idea of what is new in office politics. Once you have a clear idea about what’s going on, it’s easy to plan a defense mechanism.

How to play with office politics for your advantage

Wrap up

You may experience office politics in every other company you go to. Don’t just quit a job and start a new job search in Pakistan because you can’t pretend or fake. Instead, try to play along with office politics; it will let you learn some good and bad lessons of your life. However, when you feel that everything is going out of your hand and you can’t take it anymore, then you can quit your job. 


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