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I Hate My Job Now What to Do - Let’s Figure This Out

I hate my job now what to do? It is a question that pops up in the mind of many people at any stage of their career. Some people ignore it quickly while others can’t because they are getting paid a handsome salary.

I hate my job what to do now

I often hear from my friend that I hate my job, but it pays well, so I am unable to quit. No one likes to start the job search process. It leads to job search depression sometimes, and other times you will have to end up at another job that doesn’t pay well.


Becoming financially insecure while thinking of quitting a job you hate all the time is common. 

You Need to quit Your Job When:

  1. You hate your boss more than your job. It’s your boss that is pushing you toward the breaking point. When you say quite often, I hate my job and my boss, then it’s time to move to the office exit.
  2. Your gut is telling you all the time that it’s time to leave the job. Know other signs as well.
  3. Every morning of your weekdays, you dread yourself out of bed to get prepared for your job that you hate the most. If a Genie comes out of the lamp and asks you what your wish is, then the first wish is that I wish I could quit my job.
  4. You feel stuck on your job, and it’s like you are in the stagnation process.
  5. Your job has started affecting your life adversely.

Know the Reason Why You Hate Your Job 

i hate my job  reasons

I shared five situations above where you shouldn’t overthink much and sign a resignation letter right away and start your next job search. Now there could be some other reasons due to which you hate your job. 

You feel too much work burden. Work stress is draining your energy. What to do? Go and talk with your manager.

You think that you are doing more work but not getting what you deserve in return. Know Are you underpaid at your job? If that’s the case, then again, you can tell your managers and boss what you think you deserve. 

Do you say these words: I hate my coworkers? If yes, then you might be facing workplace bullying, ostracism, or politics. Find a way to deal with all those issues.

In most cases, the boss and hiring manager never like to let go of talent; therefore, if you are good at your job, then you may have a case to make. Go ahead and try.

You hate your job because It makes you feel bored. Know what to do when you are feeling bored at your job.

You are not satisfied with your job and current career. You think you can do better in another field. In that case, you can make a career change at 35 or even at 40. Move out of your comfort zone and make the change you always wanted.

Pro Tip - Sit in front of the mirror and ask yourself why I hate my job. At first, you might get an answer, “Don’t know,” but trust me, it’s only you who knows the answer. Get help from your friends and family and share your thoughts with them. They might tell you why you hate your job that much.

I Hate My Job Now What to Do: Steps You Should Take

In case you have decided to leave your current job, then here are the next steps you will have to follow.

Don’t Tell Your Colleagues - You may change your mind and get back to your job while a whistleblower turns the table for you. So, try to be a little secretive.

Discuss With Your Hiring Manager - In case you are leaving your job because of some reason with the company. Like you are not getting the salary as per market standard, then first make a case with your manager. If nothing works, then move to the next steps.

Start Your New Job Search - It’s important to have something to eat before you clean your fridge. In simple words, don’t play rash. Always play with the best defense. That means starting a new job search.

For this purpose, you can find tons of job opportunities at Fratres.net. No matter what industry you are looking for, you can get into it right away.

Facing issues with your CV and resume, go straight to blog.fratres.net, and explore the best career advice. Every element of the resume and CV is explained with details, so you can follow and create a resume that lets you win any job.

Apply for a Job - Start applying for various job opportunities. Don‘t jump and quit quickly when you hate your job; wait till you get an interview call, and you have another offer from a hiring manager.

Write a Resignation Letter - If you are leaving your job due to a boss or coworker or something that is in the company, then don’t mention it. Know: the best and good reasons to leave your job and state in any resignation letter.

Keep in mind, never close the chapter with your current company on a wrong note because your new recruiter is going to get a recommendation from your old company. So, be careful and play smart.

Wrap up

You should know that you are not alone who says, “I Hate My Job," most probably you are not the first one, and you are not the last. Instead of resigning quickly, you should give this situation a thought and then start finding the reasons. I mentioned five reasons above when you can quit immediately. Other reasons are when you can wait and think it through. Don’t leave your good paying job just because you feel overburdened or bored. If you say I hate working very often, then you should change your mind instead of changing your job.

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