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Learning Cover Letters Is Not Difficult At All! You Just Need A Great Teacher!

A cover letter is an essential document. It is always included in the application process, as it gives more info about the candidate. Nowadays, thousands of websites are specialized in providing the recent materials for a successful cover letter. If you are curious about the best cover letter models, templates, and tips, keep reading this article. It is a three minutes reading.

What is a Cover Letter?

what is a cover letter

In a very competitive job market, a CV alone is often not enough to stand out, or attract the attention of recruiters. Even if you live in 2050, a cover letter is always part of the application etiquette that boosts the chances of being selected for the job. It is a way to communicate with recruiters and show them your interest in a specific position. A cover letter is not only for professional purposes. It can be sent for academic reasons too. It is always attached to your CV or resume. This letter should include a short presentation of your candidacy. It helps the target recruiter to check your CV and select you for a job interview. The content of a cover letter varies depending on the job offer. But, this document should briefly summarize a set of details such as, your motivations for the job, and what distinguishes you from other applicants. After every job offer, it is very expected to receive thousands of CVs with common content. A cover letter can be the drawing lines between each applicant, as the content in these letters cannot be identical.  This letter indicates various reasons convincing recruiters to select a special candidate. If you are looking for the best ways to learn the tips of structuring a professional cover letter, sign up to Fratres. Fratres is an international job portal that includes recent professional updates.

Cover letter writing tips: 

To write a cover letter, you have to go through two previous steps. First, you need to read the job offer and highlight the requirements. When you carefully read the job advertisement, you can grab the necessary information such as the missions, requirements, and skills. All these details will help you express your future goals to complete the picture. For this step, you just need to go through the company's website and social accounts.

Second, you have to complete your CV before preparing your cover letter. A CV is a document that lists the main information about you following the standards. After this step, you have to customize the letter depending on what you said in your CV and what you read in the job offer. With every job application, you should always update your CV and cover letter and add the necessary changes. As an applicant, you might find different cover letter models, which is quite confusing. Here are the best tips to follow for a successful cover letter.

1.Cover Letter Opening;

Before writing your cover letter, give it a letter aspect by including a header and a salutation. The header is usually a list of information indicating the name of the sender, date and address, followed by the name of the company and address. Concerning the salutation, it is always formal including the last name of the employer with his or her job title or academic attribute such as Dr. or Professor. For more details, take a look at Seven Cover Letters That Had Gone Way Too Far.

2. Choose a Template

A cover letter is a document that should not overcome a single page.  It is a plain document, with the font of your choice. Your cover letter can be a three paragraph essay or one section in one prose. Both formats are functional for this purpose. Since the aim of this letter is to get the recruiter’s attention, some precautions are necessary.  Here are Cover Letter Templates

3. Think about the Content:

cover letter writing tips

A cover letter should not be copied from the available cover letters models. It has to meet the requirements of the job without rewriting the CV. When you start structuring this letter, you need to underline the aspects that indicate your motivations for the job. A good cover letter is a way to deepen your professionalism and introduce the possible added value that can be given to an organization.

4. Be Brief

A cover letter is a document matching both your CV and the chosen job offer. It should be designed and written for a specific position. It's not just about showing your expertise, but about convincing the recruiter that you are the best profile for the vacant position. For this reason, try to be selective about the type of information that meets the recruiter’s expectations.

5. Know How to Introduce Yourself: 

The first paragraph is a brief introduction that shows the reader who you are and what position you are interested in. As you know, recruiters often receive a huge amount of applications. It has been calculated that a recruiter spends less than a minute on average to evaluate a profile. That’s why you need to consider originality when writing a cover letter.

6. Focus on your Motivations for the Job

A cover letter is not about just requesting a job interview. It is often a way to show interest in the position  for which you are applying and why you are the suitable candidate. Here are the points that should not be missing in your letter:

  • Who are you and what are the main professional and academic  backgrounds enabling you to apply for the job.
  • Why you have chosen this career/ field and what are your potentials for the job.
  • what is the added value, in terms of skills and professional experience that you can give to the organization.

7. Conclusion, Closure and Signature: 

cover letters signature

The final paragraph in your letter sums up your whole interest for the job. Invite recruiters to check your CV and invite you for a job interview. Close your letter with the appropriate salutation and add your name and signature. You can use a digital signature generator.

These were the top 7 interesting tips to go through despite the countless cover letter models. Try to proofread your cover letter and write it according to the job offer.


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