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Paternity and Maternity Leave in UAE - Get Answers of FAQs

Almost two decades ago, women weren't welcome in the workspace. They were bound to stay at home and take care of their family. Only males were authorized to work freely and enjoy all the employee rights. Things have changed a lot in UAE in the last two decades. Now women are working side by side with men and getting all their rights based on their gender. One of them is getting maternity leave in the UAE to welcome their new child. Today, I would like to share details of Maternity and Paternity Leave. 

How many days of leave are you entitled to as a mother or father?


How is your pay during this leave calculated?

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You should know that women and men working in the public sector get different maternity and paternity leave than those working in the private sector. The leave duration and payment vary from one emirate to another. You won't see many variations in the private sector as UAE Labor Law governs every private company.

Public Sector Guidelines for Maternity Leave

If you are working in the public sector and want to know the exact period of your maternity leave, continue reading and exploring more.

Federal Employee Maternity Leave

You are entitled to 90 days of fully paid leave. Once you get back to work, you can get two hours of daily leave for breastfeeding.

Maternity leave in Abudhabi 

You are entitled to three months fully paid leave. Once you get back to work, you can get two hours of daily leave for breastfeeding.

breastfeeding leave in uae guidelines rules

Maternity leave in Dubai

You will get 90 days of maternity leave that starts from the delivery date. Women can also get leave 30 days before delivery. After returning to work, mothers can nurse their children for two hours. You can add annual and unpaid leave to your maternity leave and get a total of 120 days of leave.

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Maternity leave in Sharjah 

You can get maternity leave of 120 days, where the first 90 days are paid leave while the next thirty days are unpaid leave. You can nurse your child for an additional six months, and the government grants you two hours daily for this purpose. Women can add annual leaves to maternity leave.

Maternity leave in Ras Al Khaimah

Female gets maternity leave of 90 days fully paid. They also get two hours of daily nursing period for one whole year. 

DIFC employees Maternity leave

You will get a total of 65 days of maternity leave as a DIFC employee. The first 33 days will be a fully paid leave, while the next 32 days will be 50 percent paid leave. 

One most important thing to become eligible for this leave is to inform your employer at least two months before demanding this absence. You will submit your medical report alongside notification to keep your employer informed. Once you plan to start your leave, you need to tell your employer almost 21 days in advance, so he can arrange your replacement.

If you are adopting a child in UAE, you are entitled to Maternity leave as long as the kids are less than five years old.

Besides, you can add annual leave to your maternity leave. What you like the most about DIFC Law is that it gives a mother an assurance that she will be given the same condition, position, and employment terms once she return to work after leave. 

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Does Father get Paternity Leave in UAE?

The public sector offers paternity leave to fathers for almost three days, and this leave is fully paid. All Emirates follow this Federal Law.

As far as private sectors are concerned, they don't mention Paternity leave in employment rights. However, many companies follow the same rules that apply in Federal law, though they don't have to.

If you are working for the DIFC authority for almost a year, you are entitled to get five days of fully paid paternity leave. It would help if you had to inform your employer two months before the childbirth. The same law applies to an adopted child who is less than five years old. All public holidays that occur during the leave period are regarded as leave period extensions.

Do you get Maternity to leave for an Adopted Child?

Only the DIFC law offers maternity leave to mothers adopting a child. UAE labor law doesn't recognize a leave for an adopted child.

What is Paternity Leave in the Private sector?

If you are working in a private company, you are entitled to a paternity leave of 5 days. You can get this leave within six months of childbirth.

Who can Get  a Paternity Leave?

paternity leave uae rules and questions answers

The father of expectant mothers can get this leave. He will get this leave regardless of the fact whether he works in the private or public sector or whether he works for the mainland or free zone. 

Is there a job Guarantee During Maternity Leave?

Your employer doesn't terminate your contract during maternity leave, and it's illegal. However, he can change your job position as long as there is no salary reduction once you return to work. 

Job dismissal due to pregnancy is illegal. However, your contract can be terminated for some other reasons. 

If you realize that your employer has terminated your contract due to unlawful reasons during the maternity period, you can take matters to the UAE Labor court. If you prove your employer guilty, you will be reinstated on the job or get the compensation based on your salary, gratuity alongside the end of service compensation. 

Maternity leave in Private Sector UAE

You must know all about maternity leave you can get in the private sector of UAE.

Who is entitled?

An expectant mother working in a private company, no matter if it is in the free zone or mainland, can get maternity leave.

How many days?

She is entitled to get 45 days of leave. Public holidays and weekends will be counted in the days.

Do mothers get breastfeed leave in the UAE private sector?

Yes, they get 18 months of breastfeeding leave. They can take a half break two times a day to nurse their child. Employers can't deduct their pay for this leave.

Can You extend your Maternity Leave?

Yes, you can extend your maternity leave after giving proof of medical illness. This extension can be done for almost 100 days. It will be unpaid leave.

Wrap Up

Employers can't terminate an employee during the maternity or paternity leave period. If they do so, it's illegal, and you can take the matter to UAE Labor court. Always check your employee handbook to get a complete idea of what the law says about your leave and how the payment will be calculated during the leave period. If you still have some questions, ask them from your hiring manager or HR department. They will guide you accordingly.


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