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Some Signs of Toxic Workplace You Shouldn't Overlook

The workplace and its culture are quite essential for the growth and success of an employee. Sometimes, we are working in a toxic environment, but we have little or no idea of it. In this post, I would like to showcase some common signs of a toxic workplace environment.

signs of toxic workplace

Why Is It Essential to Notice Toxic Workplace Warning Signs?

Pay attention to those signs, because you alone can’t do any good. Working with toxic people and in a hostile workplace will deteriorate your productivity, it will affect your focus at work, and worst of all, you will lose work-life balance.  

Sometimes, you are doing your best, but people around you are not letting you fly higher. They are putting weight on your wings either by dropping you under the bus or by taking the promotion you deserve.

Pay Attention to Signs That Say You Are Living in a Toxic Workplace 

Here are some signs that you shouldn’t ignore.

People Don’t Talk in the Meeting but afterward

When all employees don’t contribute when there are company meetings because they think that their voices won’t be heard, then it means you are working in a toxic workplace. One of the critical toxic work environment characteristics is the fact that people feel deep down that their voices don’t matter.

When Promotion Criteria are Unfair

We all want to go higher on our career ladder, but it’s possible when our excellent performance is appropriately rewarded. If you think that you are in a company where Employee gets promoted based on nepotism, some favors, or unfair criteria, then it’s your time to raise the red flag. Know all how to deal with unfair promotion

When Employee used to says, “I have done enough.”

When people around you saying that they have done enough for the company and they don’t need to work hard, then it’s a sign that you shouldn’t miss. In the workplace, many people do great things, and they will have to keep doing it every other day. Every day is new and requires some effort and hard work. However, when people act like there is no need to work hard or improve, you are probably living around toxic people.What to do when employee are not hard working 

When You See No Company’s Vision

Every company has a vision for which every Employee strives for and works hard. However, some companies talk less about future goals and more about a chain of command, verbal warnings, and other stuff. If that’s the case, then you need to find the best ways of dealing with office politics. Also, make an escape plan. When you work in a company that has a clear vision, then you will grow with the company. However, when you stay in a toxic work environment where everyone has constant power concern, then you won’t learn and improve the way you always wanted to.

When You Know, Management Won’t Listen 

In every company, some concerns arise related to other employees or even management. In an ethical workplace culture, employees can talk about it with the management. They can take any concern or matter to HR, that listens to employees and tries to find a solution. However, if we talk about toxic workplace characteristics, then one of them is Poor Management Behavior. 

An HR manager is supposed to handle your concern in the right way. But when you go to them, and they do nothing then next-time you don’t go to them. It’s a clear situation that translates into a hostile environment.

When Your Management Ready to Do Anything for Boss

toxic workplace characteristics

It’s okay to listen to your boss’s orders and work accordingly. The company operates in this way. But when your management is ready to do anything either good or bad at any cost for the boss, then yes, you are living in a toxic workplace. It happens when a CEO threatens control like if you don’t do this, that will happen. In that case, management doesn’t mind mistreating their employees because they are just giving what they are getting.

When You Notice Negative Peer Pressure

In a healthy workplace, we all experience peer pressure, and it’s okay. However, when you are doing good and your peers are criticizing your excellent performance like “why are you working so hard?” Don’t burn like midnight oil or similar phrases, and then you should know your workplace environment is toxic. People who use such expressions don’t like to work hard, so when they see others working hard and showing excellent performance, they disapprove of it through their words, actions, and gestures.

When you Always hear, “It’s not my job.”

In a company, people have to handle other people's jobs. Sometimes, you are working in the team, and you delegate someone else's task to a team member, and he says it’s not my job to do. It’s okay to hear it one-time, but when you hear those words everywhere around you, then it’s because no one cares.

Major Takeaway:

So, whenever you come to know that your company has major toxic workplace characteristics, then you need first to raise those red flags. If no one cares about them and things are as they shouldn’t be, then it’s time to move on.  Check signs that you should leave your job. No need to stay in an environment where you won’t be able to grow, no matter how hard you try. Quitting might not be your thing, but it’s what is required to enjoy your career success.

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