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Ten Difficult Things About Work Life.

Many applicants are interested in working in Poland. This decision can be fruitful depending on the field and sectors. The work life in Poland plays a salient role in your professional future. Here are the top 10 difficult things that you might encounter in work life.

Work life in Poland:

work in poland

It is known that Poland is a less demanding country in terms of application and access. After the pandemic, things became a bit selective and competitive. Foreign entrepreneurs are looking for a productive workforce that can be imported from other countries. As an applicant or an employee, you are interested in getting the advantages of working in Poland. But, you might be surprised later, if things are not meeting your expectations. That’s why, Fratres is the best job portal that includes a career guide about employment in your target destination. You can sign up at Fratres as a job seeker or as an employer to facilitate recruitment for both sides. Here are the 10 difficulties in Polish work life.

1.Language Barriers:

 Poland is very enclosed about its language and culture. It is rare to find co-workers who can communicate in English or French. That’s why, foreign applicants can find it hard to settle on a better career as they have to learn the language first. The same applies to international students who are planning to complete their studies there. A minimum of polish language is required for a job application or college studies application. Here are Overcoming language barriers to communication

2. Work Environment :

Changes in the work environment are possible to happen in work life. Various sectors employ a flexible schedule where the working team has to change from daytime to night shifts. That’s why many recruiters inquire about the adaptability towards changes. A successful work life requires the ability to respect the demands of the field, including the different requirements.

3. The Demands of the Field/ Sector

demands of the sector

Poland has made progress in the field of business and services. This advance brought changes in some sectors, such as the provision of services for 24 hrs a day. Many jobs are attracting various specialties and engaging them in the work environment. The latter differs according to the field. For example, the working hours of a teacher differ from the working hours of a lawyer and the same for the working hours of an engineer. Take a look at; Five Tips Regarding Work Life in Poland

4. The Available Benefits

Poland is like many countries in Europe. It provides social security for Polish employees and workers, a pension after retirement and a promotional scheme for career development. Polish work life includes 40 hours per week for 5 working days or 8 hours per day. A 15 minutes work break is allowed every 4 hours. This break is also included in many sectors, including 1 hour for lunch break. Paid leaves are also entitled to different employees including the deducted taxes. Here is Employee benefits in Poland

5.The Corporate culture:


 Sometimes, it is difficult for entry-level applicants or employees coming from a different field to cope with the corporate culture. Depending on the chosen sector, each company has a set of rules that are mentioned in the contract. It is always important to read the contract and understand its amendments before signing it.

6. Getting a Job after a Dismissal:

 It is always a challenging part in work life to get a job after a dismissal. Many applicants hide about their dismissal in a job interview. This is not  a perfect strategy to start a new job. A dismissal can be viewed as a less motivating aspect in a job application. But, recruiters always investigate the reasons for dismissal without having a judgemental attitude. They might compromise with the dismissal situation by giving a second chance to the applicant, especially if there are additional positive reviews and impressions.

7. Getting a Job after a Long Career Break:

Sick leaves and career breaks can affect the quality of your work life. It is always difficult to retake work after a long break. Recruiters will not keep the position vacant until your return. A career break that exceeds 6 months is always a threat to your work life. Some fields require consistency and being up-to-date. Extended career breaks can also deprive you from the possibility of career development. Take a look at; 7 Facts About Apprenticeships That Will Blow Your Mind.

8. Starting a Business or Self-employment:

Launching a project in a country like Poland is not an easy decision. Adding to the possibility of creating more opportunities there, the revenues of your project cannot be fixed in the first years. As an entrepreneur, your work life will be intense in the early stages of your project, especially when you are going to choose your employees. 

9. Not Selling Yourself for the Right Position:

Your work life will be difficult if you apply for the wrong position. Some job seekers cannot insure the transition to a better job. Sometimes temporary positions can be a difficult work experience, where the applicant is not fully stable in a single career. Here i s why You Will Never Believe These Bizarre Truths Behind Graduates.

10. Working in more than one Job/ Field:

In Poland, it is possible for employees/ workers in the private sector to apply for more than a single position. Although this option is very lucrative, it is a bit hectic. Operating in more than a single position makes your work life difficult as you need to balance between both professions. People who choose to work this way have strong time-management skills and can focus in both fields.

These were the top 10 difficulties in Polish work life. There are probably more difficult situations depending on the chosen field and professional tasks.


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