Understand the Guaranteed Interview Scheme and Its Requirements

posted:3 years agobyMarry JoJoin Interviews
JobCentre Plus introduced a Guaranteed Interview Scheme to ensure that disable candidates always get equal recruitment treatment like other candidates. They won't get rejected on their disability basis if they meet all essential education, skills, and qualifications. In this case, I would like to share details of GIS, like what are the Guaranteed interview scheme requirements and how does it work. So, let's get started.
What is the Guaranteed Interview Scheme?
UK Government introduced a Guaranteed Interview Scheme through JobCentre Plus. According to this scheme, employers will guarantee to interview a disabled candidate whose application fulfills the post's minimum set criteria: Jobcentre Plus award Two Ticks Symbol or Disability symbol to those employers who follow GIS rules. In 2013, this symbol got replaced by the Disability Confident Employer symbol.
Why Did the Government Introduce GIS?
As you have got an answer to the question What is Guaranteed Interview Scheme, the next thing to know the reason behind its introduction.The purpose of introducing this recruitment scheme for disabled people is to offer equal interview opportunities to disabled people, who might not get an interview call because of their physical or mental disabilities. The government wants to overcome this barrier of discrimination in the employment industry; therefore, it introduced and evolved GIS over the years. With this scheme, every disabled person gets an equal playing ground to showcase his talent to prospective employers, regardless of his disability.
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Understand the Guaranteed Interview Scheme (GIS criteria)
Every job has a description of skills, education, and job duties. A recruiting manager sets all those requirements to find the best-fit candidate for a company. Now, if an employer follows this scheme, he will mention the confident employer symbol on a job ad. This symbol shows that a person with a disability can apply for a given job position, as long as he meets the minimum criteria requirements mentioned on the job ad. This symbol also shows that the employer would invite the disabled person for an interview if he is a qualifying candidate.
How Does it work?
You know what is a guaranteed interview scheme, you should know about its procedure as well.
On your application form, you need to tick the GIS box and provide appropriate information about your disability and fill the remaining form with your qualifications and other requirements. You will add a supporting statement to meet the minimum criteria for this job role in the UK. An employer will check Understand the Guaranteed Interview Scheme and Its Requirements your job application and supporting statement, and if you are an eligible candidate, he makes reasonable adjustments at the Interview.
Not just that, if you get hired, then he will be ready to make work arrangements and adjustments as per your disability. You need to understand that the guaranteed interview scheme UK is designed to guarantee an interview of disable person who is qualified for a job interview. However, this scheme doesn't offer any guarantee of a job. That's means you need to sell yourself during the Interview and tell your recruiter how you can add some value to his company.
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What are the Main Commitments of Employers?
If an employer decides to follow the Guaranteed Interview Scheme, then he needs to make some commitments. Make a call for the Interview to disable applicants who meet minimum criteria requirements of a job vacancy. When required, he needs to make reasonable adjustments. Besides, if an employee becomes disabled on the job, the employer should ensure that he stays in employment. He needs to create a workplace culture where other employees provide support and commitment to the Guaranteed interview scheme.
When an employer sticks with Disability Confident Employer, he is showcasing positive action that he would treat disabled people fairly and offer them access to the same opportunities available to non-disabled people. An employer showcases Two Ticks or Disability Confident employer symbols to welcome applications of disable people and tell them he is optimistic about their abilities. He also creates a positive culture at the workplace by telling their existing employees that if they become disabled, they would get fair treatment.
What should I do if a disabled applicant meets the essential criteria measurable from the application form?
In that case, an employer must invite him for a job interview. Even when employers reduce the interview pool to a manageable level, he won't exclude disabled candidates.
On the flip side, if a disabled applicant doesn't meet the criteria for shortlisting candidates, he won't be invited to an employer's Interview.
What will happen during the Interview?
A hiring manager will evaluate a disabled candidate's performance; if he is a good fit for a job, then a job will be offered. However, if he meets all job requirements but doesn't show good performance at the Interview, he won't get any job offer.
According to Disability, Confident Employer rules, if a person got hired, an employer would make reasonable adjustments to ensure that his disabled staff gets support to perform their job duties. A discussion between the HR manager and recruit is required to pinpoint reasonable adjustments.
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In case an employer doesn't make reasonable adjustments, then an offer of appointment might be withdrawn. In some cases, the cost of making adjustments is too high to afford for an employer, or other times disruption through adjustment is severe, thereby this appointment offer becomes invalid.
I hope you have got a clear idea about what is a guaranteed interview scheme and what are its essential requirements. If you are a disabled job applicant, try to respond to those ads having double ticks or the Disability confident employer symbol. This symbol offers you a fair chance of employment and an interview at a given company.