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Understand Why a Job is Reposted after an Interview?

Applying for a job can be a complicated process. Although you might be relieved after sending your resume and applying online to the job you think suits you and conveys your knowledge and skills. But, how would you feel if this job got reposted? Something went wrong. Now, what would you do in case of finding the same offer reposted after a while? Should you restart the same application process again or act like you are not concerned? This frustrating question will be answered and explained right away.

Why Do Some Companies Keep Reposting the Same Job Offer?

This can occur in every field; a job can be reposted, after which many applicants have gone so far and completed the interview stage. An average candidate might feel disappointed by seeing the whole process restarting again. By getting into the applicant's mind, there will two possible explanations:

  • The job is a scam: there is no actual recruitment from the very beginning, and they just attract people with no reason.
  • Application rejected: sometimes applying for a job can be confronted without any response. Either your contact information is wrong, that's why the recruiter couldn’t reach you, or lost your contact information, or simply ignored your application.

 Although real reasons cannot be based upon the applicants’ interpretations, reposting a job can be a recruitment strategy to reach some specific applicants.

Why Do Employers Repost a Job after your Application?

reposting a job after your application

Whenever you apply for a job, you keep tracking your potential workplace and expect things to move forward toward discussing your salary or giving you a probation period. But, things may not be as you have expected, especially when the job is reposted. First, you should understand the possible reasons for that to decide later whether you should reapply or not. A job is reposted after your application because of the following reasons:

1.The Position is not Determined Yet:

When employers post a position online, you should know that this is not the final recruitment decision. It may be that recruiters are seeking employees to train them first and then recruitment. Some employers may not be available to attend interviews right away. That’s why they repost the job offer again, to meet the applicants personally. By seeing a job reposted again, you should understand that this company is looking for a large number of applicants, and it is keeping them waiting in line until the position is determined. The number of candidates will be determined as well.

2. You are Overqualified!

Before targeting employers and make them bear all the cruelty, you should first review your application; was it an error-free application? If yes. Then the sole explanation will be that you are too qualified for the job. When employers, for example, want non-experienced, entry-level applicants, they expect beginners to apply for the job. If you have more qualifications than the required level, managers will not consider your application. Even if you are more experienced, employers will not choose you under being supervised by an employee with less experience than you. This can create tension within the team. That’s why some overqualified or experienced applicants are rejected for positions requiring lower levels of experience.

3. A too long CV/ Resume:

Applying for a job with a long detailed CV may not be the right step. A simple, brief and clear CV is more than enough. This rule applies to students and recent graduates: you only have one or two years of experience, and you send numerous pages; what if you get to your second or even third job? Even if you think that a more detailed CV will introduce more skills, it will have a negative effect: annoying your recruiter. Too much content in a CV may not put enough credit on your professional journey. Here is Why do Recruiters Hate your CV

Why is the Job Reposted After Interviewing Candidates?

reposting a job after your interview

Interviewing applicants is usually the final stage in the hiring procedure. Although hiring managers have finished interviewing the selected candidates, they can repost the same job with a different job title. When this happens, it can be disheartening for applicants who went through the hiring procedures waiting for the final result. Instead of being sad, let’s evaluate your performance and seek the reasons, not for being rejected but rather for the job being reposted again! Here are 9 Cool TIPS That Let you Handle Job Offer Negotiation Like a Pro

1.Your appearance was neglected in an interview

If your answers were good and excellent, the problem would definitely be in your interview look. You should dress to impress. You might notice employees in the industry you will be working in are dressed casually. But, this is not a reason to give the interview a little importance. In a first meeting, you should work on your first impression. You should present yourself in your best light. Your goal is to show employers that you are serious about your application. Here is What to Wear to an Interview? Business Attire Guide for Men and Women

2. Your body language in an interview was very repulsive

Body language matters in job interview communication. Under the influence of stress, candidates often forget to convey the right physical messages such as eye contact, smiles, nods, etc.… If you are too robotic and less confident, you can expect a rejection for your application. Take a look at; Ways to improve your body language at work

3. You do not fit into the company’s culture

your application is rejected

The recruiter has an exact idea of ??the potential candidate. Although you attempted to join the company’s team, this effort may not be appreciated by recruiters. That’s why you need to avoid the wrong thought that the more companies you apply for, the more returns you will get. Not every piece gets into the puzzle. Every recruiter targets a specific applicant who has professional values and skills that meet the job.

These were the possible reasons for reposting a job in the middle of your application or after your interview. Should you reapply again? The answer depends on why, if the job is looking for beginners and you are very experienced, you should avoid it! If you didn't pass the interview or are not satisfied with your application's quality, you can reapply again and restart the process. All the best!



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