What is a Blue Collar Job?

Workers and employers are classified. You can find exempt employees and non-exempt employees. You can find apprentices, trainees, or volunteers. You can also find contractors, subcontractors, and the list is on. In today's article, Fratres will introduce you to other professional categories, known as blue collar and white collar jobs. If you are interested in knowing the meaning of each label and the difference between them, stay tuned with Fratres.

 1.The Meaning of Blue Collar and White Collar Jobs.

blue collar jobs

Jobs are not the same in each field. They are various and have distinguishing features. The occupations, which are based on manual work, are known as blue-collar jobs. Blue-collar workers are operating in many industries such as technical installation, warehouses, construction companies, sanitation, mechanical jobs, firefighting, and manufacturing, etc.…

These workers can be exploited if they didn't obtain health insurance or compensation for accidents. They are not paid monthly. Payment depends on the projects blue-collar workers take. It can be hourly or daily based payment. In some countries, blue-collar workers can receive an annual salary from companies or a pension, if they work in the public sector. Blue collar jobs do not require advanced educational achievement. It suffices to have an apprentice degree, which specifies the worker's employment. Therefore, if you want to get a blue-collar job, you need to get an apprentice degree better than learning the craft from previous workers. This degree will help you get your right as a registered and professional worker. It also enables you to get a job abroad. If you are planning to migrate and get a tradesman job or work in manufacturers, you need to get an apprenticeship contract to prove that you have obtained the necessary skills and follow the protective rules. You can also read; Safeguarding blue-collar workers abroad

What is a White Collar Job?

white collar jobs

Back in history, people who work as office clerks are known as white collars. The notion is still alive today. Office work is present in every department. In banks, you can find bank clerks. In educational institutions, colleges and institutes include office clerks to maintain teachers' and students' files. In courts, police stations, in embassies, hospitals, every institution is based on office work for administrative tasks or to respond to public queries and maintain every department's documents. White-collar employees can operate in the secretariat and bureaucratic responsibilities in both the public and private sectors. You can also check: How to Do Executive Job Search - Unlock Game Plan and Tips

The entry-level to white collar jobs depends on the field in which this office employee works. For example, some clerk jobs require just a high school for secretary roles, customer service operations, or receptionists. Others require higher degrees, including experiences such as bank clerks, court clerks, and police officers. White-collar employees can also shift to senior levels and get a pension at retirement.

What is the Difference Between a White Collar and a Blue Collar Job?

There are many differences related to both collars. It is not a question of colors, blue or white. It is a professional matter that categorizes the living of people and their field of expertise. There are many distinguishing characteristics between these two types in terms of working nature, quality, and quantity. We will highlight the significant differences as it follows;

1.Work Duration:

 If we compare the work duration between blue collar jobs and white-collar jobs, we may find that:

Blue-collar workers work more than white collar employees. For example, a blue-collar worker can start labor at the age of 15 and retires at the age of 60, while a white collar employee can begin at the age of 18 after finishing high school. 

2. Payment:

Blue collar jobs are less paying than white-collar jobs. However, it can be the opposite, especially when a blue collar worker is working abroad. If the foreign currency is higher in cost, a blue-collar worker can make more money than a senior white collar employee in his home country. You can also find out; The Best Non Desk Jobs That Pay More than $20 per Hour.

3. Risks:

Blue-collar jobs require physical efforts. They can be absorbed compared to white-collar jobs that provide a safer workplace. Blue collar workers are subject to professional accidents, while white-collar jobs do not have the same risks. However, we cannot say that a white-collar job is more comfortable than a blue collar job. A white-collar employee can face problems and has to manage stress, even though he works in an office equipped with a computer and a refreshing air conditioner. Take a look at Some Signs of Toxic Workplace You Shouldn't Overlook

Can White Collar and Blue Collar jobs Operate in the Same Field?

white collar & blue collar collar

Of course! There is a chain of work that requires the contribution of both collars. Although most people think that both types cannot meet and work together, professional reality demonstrates the opposite. For example, the retail industry employs both types. It needs white-collar employees for accounting, bookkeeping, and office clerks. It also requires a blue collar for the bakery. It is the same with construction companies. This establishment hires both collars.

In some societies, blue-collar workers are discriminated against and put in a lesser social class, even though they are essential in building the country's infrastructure. Some experts believe that white-collar jobs will be useless in the future, as technicians are developing artificial intelligence like the software to replace office clerks. In other terms, there is a possibility that white-collar jobs will not be needed in the upcoming future, and blue-collar jobs will be more needed. You can also find out: 15 Jobs That Will Disappear In The Next 20 Years Due To AI

This was all about classifying jobs into collars categories. You can explore the differences between these types from many angles, such as seniority, wages, and risks. We hope that this article is useful in breaking down the ambiguities related to blue collar and white collar jobs.


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