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Work Life Is So Famous, But Why?

Job satisfaction is always related to the workers or employees’ work life. The professional world in the Netherlands consists of various professions with different arrangements and tasks. The quality of your professional life is always linked to your work environment, business culture, and professional progressions.  If you are curious about the work life secrets in the netherlands check this article.

Work life in Netherland: 

Work life in the netherlands

Employment in the Netherlands is characterized by high wages, high quality of life, lighter working hours, and excellent social protection. So you have very good reasons to chase professional opportunities in the Netherlands. But, access to the job market is not always easy. To get your search off to a good start and put the odds on your side, you should sign up to Fratres. Fratres is an international job portal that offers a detailed guide addressing the current job market, application etiquettes, as well as the various job search tips. Since this article is on work life, here is what you need to know as a job seeker or as an employee.

1.Your work Contract Defines your Work Life:

The employment contract describes your rights and duties towards your future employer in the Netherlands. As an applicant, you need to find out about its content and its mandatory clauses before signing this document. A work contract in the Netherlands depends on the sector ( private/ public) and the field of occupation. Despite the differences, a work contract consists of the following arrangements:

  • defining your position and role in the workplace:
  • defining your Work schedule
  • including payment, bonuses, premiums, and paid leaves
  • possibility of working with flexible hours

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2. The Trial Period or “Proeftijd”

Do you want to experience work life in the Netherlands and know how the system works in your chosen area? Trial period or probation period help the applicant learn about career development tips and the available ways for progression. Although termination is possible at any time during the probation period, there are various advantages such as paid training, paid catering and transport services etc…

3. Have an Idea about Salaries in the Netherlands

One of the most important things in work life is how salaries are deducted. In the Netherlands, there is a difference between gross salary and net salary.

-Gross salary, or bruto salaris, is the total amount of salary before taxes and other expenses are deducted.

-Netto salaris is the salary after deduction of income tax as well as Social Security payments and the employee's share of his or her pension.

Thus, the net income or salary is the amount that is deposited into the bank account at the beginning of each month.

4. The Work Environment:

the work envirnmant in netherland

Work life is always attached to the work environment that includes your workplace rituals, your relations with the other colleagues. Since each sector has its own work environment, employers have to familiarize employees with technological changes and the recent tools employed in the work environment. With the increased use of technology in all industries, training employees to get adapted to new technologies employed at work.

5. Work-life balance:

employment in the Netherlands is taking into account the worker and the employer responsibilities outside the professional zone. That’s why, various sectors are granting extra month payment for workers having a less holidaying routine. There are also paid sickness leaves, and additional concern for personal work suspensions. Take a look at; You Would Never Thought That Getting Started Could Be So Beneficial!

6. Professional Advantages for Retention: 

The retention of skilled employees is one of the professional strategies that employers do to avoid the loss of skilled staff. Gradually through seniority at work, employers offer more motivating benefits to keep their employees, among them

-Increased social security contributions

-Benefits in kind (telephone, computer, company car, meal expenses, etc.)

-Total or partial reimbursement of transport costs

-healthcare insurance.

7. Workplace and Confidentiality Rules

confidentiality in netherlands

The work life teaches applicants and employees to value the professional arrangements under a legal environment. Workplace rules give more discipline to the professional aspect of your career. They also preserve your rights in case of violation of terms and conditions. Employers usually introduce these rules in periodic meetings and in professional contracts through notices and clauses.

8. Productivity and Performance

Work life is always about evaluating your level of productivity and performance. This feature can only happen through choosing the right career that makes you become more engaged towards productivity and prosperity. To improve professional performance, it is essential to continue learning and training. Both operations improve your skills and knowledge of the job.

9. Organizational Structure Improvement

Taking on a more collective and wide level organizational structure improvement have their advantages in work life. When a company has a structured training system for employees, it helps them learn in a consistent and systematic way. It also prevents employees from learning by trial and error, which will improve the work life of the whole staff.

These were the top 9 reasons that define work life in the Netherlands. You need to know them for a better professional balance. Work life is not personal and specific. It is always related to your professional field, work environment and the arranged rules in your contract.


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